Irina V. Kabanova

N.G. Chernyshevsky Saratov State University

Doctor Hab. of Philology, Professor


Contact info:

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PhD Thesis:

Art and creativity in the novels by John Fowles and B.S. Johnson (Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1986)

Doctor Habilitat. Thesis:

Genre Typology of British Prose of the 1930-ies (Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2001)

Current research

Literature and ideology, literature and religion, genre in British and US literature of the XX-XXI centuries

Teaching experience, courses taught:

1978-1986: Assistant Professor, Department of Western Literatures, Saratov State University

1986-2002: Associate Professor, Saratov State University

2002-present: Professor, Department of Western Literatures, Saratov State University

2005 – 201: Head of Department of World Literature, Saratov State University

2016 – present: Professor, Department of Russian and World Literature, Saratov National Research State University

Western literatures of the Middle Ages, 17th-18th, 19th and 20th centuries, Critical Theory. Survey and advanced courses in the British and US literatures in translation.

Selected bibliography:

  • Russia in James Hilton’s Knight Without Armour. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism, vol. 20, no, 1, 2020, pp. 65–71. (In Russ.)
  • Geocritics and Modern Approaches to Aesthetic Space in Literature. Mirgorod, no. 1, 2018, pp. 39–52. (In Russ.)
  • Robert Byron Looks at 1933 Soviet Russia (“First Russia, Then Tibet”). Literature and Revolution XX Century, ed. O.Yu. Panova, V.Yu. Popova, V.M. Tolmatchoff. Issue 4. Moscow, Litfact Publ., 2018, pp. 196–215. (In Russ.)
  • Types of Readers in Stephen King’s Novel Finders Keepers. Book in Everyday Life: Horizons of Understanding (Materials of Academic Conference “Book in Everyday Life: Horizons of Understanding”, 30.11.2018). Saratov, Saratovskii istochnik Publ., 2018, pp. 62–68. (In Russ.)
  • Transformations of a Catholic Novel in English Literature of the 20th Century. Interdisciplinary Connections in the Study of Literature, ed. T.D. Belova, A.L. Fokeev. Issue 7. Saratov, Saratovskii istochnik Publ., 2017, pp. 35–38. (In Russ.)
  • Maurice Hindus and American Reporting from the Soviet Russia in the 1920–30s. Literature of Americas, no. 3, 2017, pp. 44–54. (In Russ.)
  • Mario Puzo’s The Godfather : Immigrants’ Home Country Reterritorialised in the US // Topographies of Popular Culture. Ed. Piipponen, Maarit; Salmel, Markku. Cambridge Scholars, 2016. P. 189-208. URL
  • Idealists and ideologues in Hilary Mantel’s A Place of Greater Safety // Literature and ideology. XX century. Ed. by O. Panova, V. Tolmatchov. Moscow, 2016.
  • Evelyn Waugh and the USA // Literature of Two Americas. 2016, № 1, p. 166-199.
  • English Literature, 1930-2010 // XX-th century World Literature. A textbook for students working towards B.A. degree. Ed. by V. Tolmatchov. 2-nd ed. in 2 vols. Moscow, 2014. V.I – p. 412-430, v. II – p. 175-230.
  • The concept of “American exclusivity” yesterday and now // Global Contexts of American Literature. Ivanovo, 2012, p. 12-28.
  • Sovereign power in Evelyn Waugh’s Edmund Campion and Helena // “A Handful of Mischief”: New Essays on Evelyn Waugh. Ed. Donat Gallagher, Ann Pasternak Slater, and John Howard Wilson. Madison-Teaneck: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2011. P. 87-96.
  • “Sweet prison”: Western mass literature in Russian book market // Cultural Products: the Phenomenon of Mass-culture in Russia Today. Saint-Ptersburg, 2009.
  • XX-th century World Literature: seminars. Editor, introduction, co-authored with E. Staroverova, S. Pavlova, O.Kozonkova. Moscow, 2008, 2009.
  • Phenomenology of Power in Satire. Ed. with V.Prozorov. Saratov, 2008.
  • An anthology of Critical Theory. Translation, introduction, notes. Moscow, 2004.
  • World Literature. Textbook for high school students. Saratov, 2002.

Awards, fellowships, grants:

1994: British Academy grant to present a paper in the International Conference, Oxford University

1994: British Council scholarship to attend Scottish Universities International Summer School

1995: grant from Britain-Russia Center to study the provision of English courses at Scottish Universities

1998: Open Society Institute grant to research "Russian Images of the West Today”

1998: USIA – IREX grant for participation in Curriculum Development Program, Iowa State University, USA

1999: IREX Alumni Small grant to create a website «Archetypes in World Literatures»

1999: Soros Foundation grant to present a paper at International Conference “Beyond Boundaries 2”, European Studies Research Institute, University of Salford, Manchester, UK

2000: Salzburg Seminar grant to participate in Session 379, "Higher Education for the XXI century”

2002: Fulbright Research Scholarship, Critical Theory Institute, University of California, Irvine

2003: Saratov CASE grant to participate in the Evelyn Waugh Centennary Conference, Hetrford College, Oxford

2004: Carnegie Visiting Fellow, The Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York

2005: University of Illinois grant for a research project, Urbana-Champaign

2008; Visiting Professor, Tampere University, Finland

2000, 2009, 2011: Open Society Institute grants for research projects in Central European University, Budapest

Oxford-Russia Foundation grants to participate in the Perm University workshops on English literature