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Literature of the Americas  follows Webster’s Eleventh Collegiate Dictionary for spelling, and strict Library of Congress transliteration of Russian.

3. Specific style points

3.1. Opener: Your name and the title of your paper should be printed in Times New Roman, font size 14, centered. The title should be short and descriptive of the content. Below is the abstract (200–250 words), keywords (5–10), Information about the author: name, patronimic (if applicable), surname, academic degree (if any), rank (if any), position, full name of the institution including postal address, zip code, city, country, ORCID ID, E-mail  (font size 12).




Abstract: The article is a brief overview of the literary oeuvre and aesthetic views of William H. Gass, who passed away in December 2017. One of the brightest American prose writers of the 1960–1970s, prolifically active till very recently, Gass is virtually unknown to readers of Russian and insufficiently attended to by the US academia. I derive his relative invisibility from the fact that too much is lost in, and even prior to, translation (whether interlingual or intralingual, in Roman Jakobson’s terms) of his texts and from Gass’s self-conscious stance as an unrepentant formalist. Gass gave priority to linguistic constructions over content-centered narrations/descriptions not only in theory but also in practice, in fictions as well as in essays. Despite his repute as a radical innovator, Gass held to rather conservative aesthetic beliefs, which, considering their well-articulated nature, do not need the extra medium of academic criticism for reaching out to Gass’s future audiences.


Keywords: William H. Gass, 20th-century American fiction, American essay, formalist criticism, formalist aesthetics, American postmodern fiction

© 2018 Ivan A. Delazari, PhD, part-time lecturer, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, 224 Waterloo Rd., Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong, HKSAR. ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8083-1810.  E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

3.2. Text: The text should be printed in Microsoft Word, format А4, margins 25 mm at all sides, font Times New Roman, font size – 12, line spacing 1,5, indentation (new paragraph) 1,25, portrait orientation without hyphens. Foreign words should be translated whenever possible. Those that must remain in a foreign language should be in italics and transliterated according to the Library of Congress system of translation. Numbers one to ten should be spelled out; those 11 and over must be in numerals. Exceptions: If the number is the first word in the sentence, it should be written out, regardless of size (Eight hundred men went to the army). Dates: LoA uses day month year (1 October 2003).

3.3. Footnotes and References:

Please use Chicago style (The Chicago Manual of Style, 2017) for the footnotes and references.


Footnotes are placed at the bottom of a page. They cite comments or references to archived documents and other historical sources (old periodicals and editions) that are not included in the list of references (bibliography). Please insert automatic footnotes. Footnote font: Times New Roman, size — 11. The footnote number is placed immediately after the word to which the footnote citation refers.

Please do not use “op. cit.”  Use short titles instead.  “Ibid.”  may be used (and is never italicized), but avoid “op. cit.”

Please do not use “idem.”! Repeat the author’s or editor’s name instead of using “idem.”

Footnotes in Spanish retain the original language.

Archival materials. In references to archives, write out the full name of the archive at the first reference and thereafter cite it by the standard acronym. Please identify fonds and documents on first use, if possible.

Example (1st reference):

The Russian State Archive of Literature and Arts (RGALI) f. 1 (Maxim Gorky Papers), inv. 1, it. 336:1 (M.Gorky’s Letter to V. Lenin, 12 October 1920).

Example (2nd reference):

RGALI, f. 1, inv. 1, it. 336:l.

Book editions:

Please include publishers in the notes.

Example (1st reference):

Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or Life Among the Lowly (Boston: John P. Jewitt, 1952), 172.

Example (2nd reference):

Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 24.


Example (1st reference):

William E.B. DuBois, “Criteria of the Negro Art,” Crisis 32, no. 6 (October 1926): 290–297.

Example (2nd reference):

DuBois, “Negro Art,” 291.

Example (1st reference):

Ramón Doll, “Rasskolnikof y el juez de instrucción,” Nosotros: revista mensual de letras, arte, historia, filosofía y ciencias sociales 61, núm. 232 (septiembre 1928): 28–35.

Example (2nd reference):

Doll, “Rasskolnikof,” 32.


Please include author’s name, article title and, whenever possible, page numbers. For online references, include the website address (see below).

Example (1st reference):

Gamaliel Bailey, “A New Story by Mrs Stowe,” National Era, May 8, 1851.

Example (2nd reference):

Bailey, “New Story.”

Online references: 

Please include author’s name, article / book title, place, publisher’s name, date, and page number(s) whenever possible before the website address.

Example (1st  reference):

Michael Kellogg, “Harriet Beecher Stowe and the Power of Faith” (Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2003), 80–81, http://utc.iath.michigan.edu /essays/2003/kell0gg.html.

Example (2nd reference):

Kellogg, “Harriet Beecher Stowe,” 121.


References in brackets should be included in the body of the text; the citation should include author’s (or editor’s) last name, the year of publication and page number(s):

[Frazer 1997: 5–12], [White, Smith 2006: 14], [Graham et al. 2021: 123–187].

List of References:

At the end of the article, add a numbered list of references organized in alphabetical order.

 The list is divided into two sections: “Литература” (publications in Cyrillic, if any), “Translit” (Cyrillic references transliterated into Latin) and “References” (publications in Latin).  

References in Cyrillic:

All the references in Cyrillic are to be transliterated. Please use the website https://translit.ru/ and select a variant of the Library of Congress (LC) Library. Copy and paste the transliterated text into the References list. Please copyedit the transliterated list in accordance with the Chicago style (The Chicago Manual of Style, 2017). Add translations of the book titles and titles of the articles after transliterated titles in brackets.

The access date should be specified for all online references in Cyrillic.



Зверев 1979 — Зверев А.М. Модернизм в литературе США: формирование, эволюция, кризис. М.: Наука, 1979.

Соколов 1978 — Соколов И.Н.  Бестиарий в романе Э. Золя «Человек-зверь» // Литературная история французского натурализма / ред. С.П. Петров. М.: Знание, 1978. С. 211–278.

Никольский 2008 — Никольский С.А. Мировоззрение русского земледельца в романной прозе И.С. Тургенева // Вестник МГОУ. 2008. № 5. С. 80-95.

Мессерер 2011 — Мессерер Б. Промельк Беллы // Знамя. 2011. № 9. URL: http://magazines.russ.ru/znamia/2011/9/me11.html (дата обращения: 23.10.20).


Zverev, Aleksei M. Modernizm v literature SShA: formirovanie, evolutsia, krisis [Modernism in American Literature: Emergence, Evolution, Crisis]. Moscow: Nauka Publ. 1979. (In Russ.)

Sokolov, Ivan N. “Bestiarii v romane Emile Zola ʻChelovek-zver’” [“Bestiary in Emile Zola’s La Bête humaine”]. In Literaturnaya istoria franzuskogo naturalisma [History of the French Literary Naturalism], edited by Sergei P. Petrov, 211–278. Moscow: Znanie Publ., 1978. (In Russ.)

Nikol'skii, Sergei A. “Mirovozzrenie russkogo zemledeltsa v romannoi prose I.S. Turgeneva” [“The Word Outlook of a Russian Peasant in I.S. Turgenev’s Prose”]. Vestnik MGOU [Bulletin MRSU], no. 5 (2008): 80–95. (In Russ.)

Messerer, Boris. “Promel’k Belly” [“Bella’s Flashing”].  Znamya, no. 9 (2011). http://magazines.russ.ru/znamia/2011/9/me11.html. (In Russ.)

References in Latin:

Please copyedit the list of references in Latin in accordance with Chicago style (The Chicago Manual of Style, 2017).

When referencing a book-length publication, it is mandatory to include the publisher.

Volumes of the multivolume collected works and multivolume dictionaries are not included separately; give only general bibliographic description is given about such editions and include the numbers of cited volumes in the body of the text citation just after the years of publication, for example: [Dostoevsky 1972–1990, 12: 178–179], [Eliot 2011–2021, 6: 108].

References in Spanish retain the original language.


Book editions:

Rampersad 2007 — Rampersad, Arnold. Ralph Ellison: A Biography. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2007.

Pérez Diatto 2006 — Pérez Diatto, Laura. Dostoievsky, una bibliografía en español. Segunda edición aumentada. Buenos Aires: Sociedad Argentina de Información, 2006.

Edited collections and volumes:

Egan, Jennifer, ed. The Best American Short Stories, 2014. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014.

Menchu, Rigoberta. Crossing Borders. Translated and edited by Ann Wright. New York: Verso, 1999.

Articles/chapters in a collection / edited volume:

Burke 1964 — Burke, Kenneth. “Literature as Equipment for Living.” In Perspectives by Incongruity, edited by Stanley E. Hyman, 100–109. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1964.

Jian 2010 — Jian, Chen. “China and the Cold War after Mao.” In The Cambridge History of the Cold War, edited by Amelia Fossil. Vol. 3, Endings, edited by Melvyn P. Leffler and Odd Arne Westad, 181–200. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Sáenz Hayes 1987 — Sáenz Hayes, Ricardo. “Un ensayo sobre Dostoievski.” En Antiguos y modernos, editado por Alberto Quesada, 83–91. Buenos Aires: Cooperativa Editorial “Buenos Aires”, 1987.


Murray 2000 — Murray, Jeffrey W. “Bakhtinian Answerability and Levinasian Responsibility: Forging a Fuller Dialogical Communicative Ethics.” Southern Journal of Communication 65, no. 2–3 (Winter/Spring 2000): 133–150.

Natella 1972 — Natella, Arthur Arístides. “Ernesto Sábato y el hombre superfluo,” Revista Iberoamericana 38, núm. 81 (octubre–diciembre 1972): 671–679.

Bent 2007 — Bent, Henry E. "Professionalization of the Ph.D. Degree.” College Composition and Communication 58, no. 4 (2007): 0–145. http://www.jstor.org/stable/1978286.


Wilson 1937 — Wilson, Edmund. “ʻEvgeni Onegin’: In Honor of Pushkin, 1799–1837.” New Republic, December 9, 1937.

YoungSmith 2009 — YoungSmith, Barron. “Date Local: The case against long-distance relationships.” Green Room. Slate, October 22, 2008. http://www.slate.com/id/2202431.

Fernández 1953 — Fernández, José. “Dostoievski y la iglesia.” Criterio, núm. 1180, 22 de enero de 1953, 25–26.


Morris 1952 — Morris, Wright. “‘The World Below.’ Review of Invisible Man, by Ralph Ellison.” New York Times, April 13, 1952.

Peltzer 2001 — Peltzer, Federico J. M. “Despertar de un superhombre: el próximo viernes la nueva Biblioteca La Nación presentará Crimen y castigo de Dostoievski,” La Nación, 25 de febrero de 2001.

For local newspapers a city name (and state/province if needed) should be added:

Sniff 200 — Sniff, Mike. “Next Time, Give It to Arnold.” Lake Forester (Lake Forest, IL), March 23, 2000.

Online references: 

Sewall 1700 — Sewall, Samuel. The Selling of Joseph: A Memorial. Boston (MA): Printed by Bartholomew Green and John Allen, 1700. http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Selling_of_Joseph.

Germano, William. “Futurist Shock.” Lingua Franca (blog). Chronicle of Higher Education, February 15, 2017. http://www. chronicle.com/blogs/linguafranca/2017/02/15/futurist-shock/.