Станислав Колар

stanislav kolar

Остравский университет, Острава, Чехия

PhD, профессор


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Научные интересы:

  • история американской литературы
  • теория литературы
  • этнические литературы
  • американская еврейская литература
  • альтернативная культура в США

Избранная библиография:


  1. The Holocaust Viewed by the Second and the Third Generation in American Literature (lecture), seminars on Tan and Kingston. 2017.

  2. Magical realism and allegory in Joseph Skibell's A Blessing on the Moon 43(2) (2017) Brno Studies in English: 95-110.

  3. "Fictionalizing the Holocaust:: The 2nd and 3rd Generation Responses to the Genocide." European Association for American Studies Biennial Conference. Constanta: European Association for American Studies, Ovidius University, Constanta. 2016.

  4.  "One Must Not Be a Greenhorn?": The Process of Assimilation in Abraham Cahan's Fiction". Assimilation? A Good or Bad Word?: Assimilation ? A Good or Bad Word?: proceedings of the 20th International Colloquium of American Studies: June 18-19, 2015. Olomouc: Palacký University, 2016: 144-157.

  5. "Traveling to Europe to (Re)Discover Jewish Identity." SILSE 2015 - 4rd International Conference of English and American Studies: Silesian Studies in English 2015. Opava: Silesian University in Opava, 2016: 140-150.

  6. "Philip Roth and Czechoslovakia." Litteraria Pragensia. Studies in Literature and Culture 25 (2015): 6-21.

  7. America as the Promised Land?: Representation of Immigration in Selected Works of American Literature [Workshop]. Ostrava, Česká republika. 2015.

  8. "The Spiritual Transformation of Jewish Women in the Fiction of Four Jewish American Women Writers." Growing Up a Woman. The Private/Public Divide in the Narratives of Female Development. 1. vyd. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015: 120-140.

  9. A Great Loss in the Field of American Studies. Ostrava Journal of English Philology 7 (2015): 86-87.

  10. "Possessed by Postmemory: Thane Rosenbaum's Elijah Visible." Trauma and Memory: the Holocaust in Contemporary Culture. Portsmouth: University of Portsmouth. 2013.

Статьи и главы в книгах:

Ethnicity and Environmental (In)Justice in Carlos Bulosan's America Is in the Heart and Alejandro Morales's The Rag Doll Plagues. Kopecký P., Beneš J. Environmental Justice in Ethnic American Literature. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, 2024. P. 13–35.

Possessed by Postmemory: Thane Rosenbaum’s Elijah Visible. Nordic Journal of English Studies. 2021, 20 (1). P. 103–126.

Ordinary Stories in Extraordinary Times: Marcie Hershman’s Tales of the Master Race. American and British Studies Annual. 2020, 13 (13). P. 108–118.


Ethnicity and Environmental (In)Justice in Carlos Bulosan's America Is in the Heart and Alejandro Morales's The Rag Doll Plagues. Kopecký P., Beneš J. Environmental Justice in Ethnic American Literature. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, 2024. P. 13–35.

Possessed by Postmemory: Thane Rosenbaum’s Elijah Visible. Nordic Journal of English Studies. 2021, 20 (1). P. 103–126.

Ordinary Stories in Extraordinary Times: Marcie Hershman’s Tales of the Master Race. American and British Studies Annual. 2020, 13 (13). P. 108–118.