June 21-23, 2017

Conference sessions 

Irina Kabanova (Saratov).

Maurice G. Hindus and the English-language

Literature on Soviet Russia of 1920-1930s.

Olga Ushakova (Tyumen).

The Criterion on the Russian Revolution:

Mythology and Analytics.

Elena Dotsenko (Yekaterinburg).

Paradoxes of the Russian History (from Bolshevism

to Perestroika) in Toni Kushner’s plays.

Mikhail Oshukov (Petrozavodsk).

«The far famed revolution of revolutions»:

E. E. Cummings’s View of the Russian Revolution.

Kathryn Anderson Baldwin

(Chicago, USA).

The Revolution and Racial Imagination

in Langston Hughes’s Soviet Prose

Lyudmila Fedorova (Washington, USA).

“This Street is Also Ours”: That What is Ours

and That What is not in the Soviet Writers’

American Travelogues.

Olga Polovinkina (Moscow).

Harlequin and the Cause of Revolution.


Maxim Gudkov (St. Petersburg).

The Echo of the Russian Revolution of 1917 Overseas:

the First Soviet Plays on Broadway.


American panel discussion


Olga Nesmelova (Kazan).

Soviet Americanists about the "Revolutionism"

of the US Writers.

Victoria Popova (Moscow).

Waldo Frank and the Revolution of 1917:

“Dawn in Russia” - or the Decline of “Holy Russia”?

Elena Yushkova (Vologda).

A Revolutionary Dancer in Revolutionary Russia:

the Image of Isadora Duncan in Soviet Criticism

and Journalism of the 1920s.

Olga Panova (Moscow).

Americans about the New Russia:

the Correspondence of Ruth Kennell and

Theodore Dreiser in 1928.