
№15 2023

УДК / UDK: 51-78


Author: Boris V. Kovalev
About the author:

Boris V. Kovalev, researcher, St. Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya nab 7–9, 199034, St. Petersburg, Russia; member of the Union of Writers of St. Petersburg.


E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The paper deals with the poetics of the novels of the Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa and the evolution of his style. To solve research problems, it is used the Delta method which is the most authoritative and reliable stylometric tool that allows you to compare texts based on the distribution of most frequent words. The work poses three questions: 1) Do Vargas Llosa's early total novels The Time of the Hero, The Green House, and Conversation in the Cathedral differ at the level of style from the later novels, forming a separate group, as the literary hypothesis claims? Answer: the hypothesis is confirmed; 2) Is it possible to divide the fifteen texts of the second period into smaller groups based on stylistic similarities? Answer: novels of the second period are divided into three large groups. Moreover, an interesting correlation is revealed: the novels grouped into separate groups have similarities not only at the level of style, but also at the level of themes, composition and narrative features; 3) Whether the “boom” is a stylistically isolated period in the poetics of its key authors? Answer: the novels written by Latin American authors during the boom period (1960–1970s) are not stylistically isolated: the authorial signal is stronger, and the case of Vargas Llosa with a clear differentiation of groups of novels is unique.

Acknowledgements: The study was supported by St. Petersburg State University as research grant ID 94033710.

Keywords: Mario Vargas Llosa, Latin American boom, total novel, stylometry, quantitative methods, Delta, Latin American literature.
For citation:

Kovalev, Boris. “Delta and ‘Boom: Novels of Mario Vargas Llosa through the Prism of Stylometry.” Literature of the Americas, no. 15 (2023): 116–141.


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