University of East Anglia professor and Literature of the Americas International Editorial Council member Christopher Bigsby delivered the inaugural lecture Trying to Understand America at Salzburg Global Seminar on American Studies Understanding America in the 21st Century – Culture and Politics (September 21-25, 2018). Video of the lecture
Boris Gilenson (21.01.1932 - 20.12.2018), who died yesterday, December 20, 2018, was a Soviet and Russian literature historian, specialist in American literature, Ancient literature, XIX-XX century foreign literature, Doctor habilitat in philology, Professor Emeritus of the Moscow City University.
We are deeply saddened by the news, our most sincere sympathies go out to the family and friends of our dear colleague.
A funeral will be held on Saturday Dec 22 at 12.00 at Botkin hospital, 23b Polikarpova str., Moscow.
On November 27-28 the International scholarly conference "Soviet Encounters with West and East" took place in National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE). Organizers: The International Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences (HSE) and The Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
At the conference sessions, presentations on American studies and Soviet-American contacts were broadly represented. On November 27, editors and authors of the Literature of the Americas took part in the panel "American Leftist Intellectuals in the USSR in the 1930s".
On September 27, 2018 researchers of the A.M. Gorky Institute of the World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IWL RAS) and members of the editorial board of the Literature of the Americas gave a talk on T.S. Eliot on the Kultura TV channel in the program Observer. The discussion was dedicated to the 130th anniversary of T.S. Eliot.
Observer, Kultura TV Channel, September 27, 2018
Guests: Olga Panova, Doctor Hab. in Philology, Professor of the Department of the History of Foreign Literatures, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Olga Polovinkina, Doctor Hab. in Philology, Professor of the Department of Comparative History and Literature, Russian State University for the Humanities; Andrey Astvatsaturov, philologist, writer, Associate professor of the Department of the History of Foreign Literatures, St. Petersburg State University.
Moderator: Fekla Tolstaya.
Andrey Kofman's book about the Spanish conquest of America and the fate of the famous conquistadors Under the Patronage of Santiago was shortlisted for the Humanitas nomination of the "Book of the Year-2018" award.
Ekaterina Stetsenko, who died today, July 21, 2018, was a reputed scholar, co-author and co-editor of the fundamental six volume Literary History of the USA (1997-2013), Doctor habilitat in philology, leading research fellow at Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and a member of our editorial board.
We are deeply saddened by the news, our most sincere sympathies go out to the family and friends of our dear colleague.
Fragments from the book Aesthetic Innovation and the Democratic Principle. Essays on Twentieth-Century American Poetry and Fiction by the John F. Kennedy Institute at the Freie Universität Berlin professor Heinz Ickstadt, can be read online now (see section Americana).
"Professionalism at its Best" - Tatiana Venediktova’s review of the Heinz Ickstadt’s book - was published in Literature of the Americas (№4, 2018)
On May 14, 2018 American writer and journalist Tom Wolfe died in New York at age 87.
Commemorating the pioneer of New journalism we publish the article by Dmitry Bykov:
In Memoriam the Wolf. Tom Wolfe dies in the United States (in Russian)
(published in the journal SNOB, May 16, 2018)