On November 27-28 the International scholarly conference "Soviet Encounters with West and East" took place in National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE). Organizers: The International Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences (HSE) and The Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
At the conference sessions, presentations on American studies and Soviet-American contacts were broadly represented. On November 27, editors and authors of the Literature of the Americas took part in the panel "American Leftist Intellectuals in the USSR in the 1930s".
Here is the Program of the Conference
Within the framework of the panel 4 presentations were made: Elena Ostrovskaya's speech was dedicated to the American journalist Walt Carmon and his part in the English edition of the International Literature, Olga Panova considered Walt Carmon's editorial work and his cooperation with Soviet literary institutions, Elena Zemskova analyzed the texts by the American journalist Edward Falkowski that reflect Moscow cultural life of the mid-1930s, Victoria Popova turned to the literary contacts of the American writer and social activist Waldo Frank with the USSR and traced the evolution of Frank’s perception of the Russian revolution.
All the reports were based on the unpublished materials from Russian and American archives.