
№16 2024

УДК / UDK: 821.111(73).0
Publication Type: Review Article


Author: Elena V. Ogneva
About the author:

Elena V. Ogneva, PhD in Philology, Leading Researcher, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory 1, bldg. 51, 119991, Moscow, Russia.


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The review is devoted to the main topics and events of the international conference organized by the Department of Ibero-Roman Linguistics at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University — “The Second Latin American Readings” (November 23–24, 2023). The work of the conference took place in two plenary sessions and four panels, one of which was devoted exclusively to the literature of Latin America. A total of 52 papers were presented, covering a wide scope of problems of Latin American studies, including linguistic, literary, cultural, art, and historical aspects. The plenary sessions included reports on significant phenomena and general trends in the development of Latin American culture, such as the characteristics of the Latin American world view formation in literature, the emergence of a national school of artistic translation in Mexico, and the genesis and formation of abolitionist prose in Cuba. The panels shed light on specific aspects of the continent's literature: issues of individual poetics, the history of individual works, artistic types and genres, as well as illuminating examples of cultural ties between our country and Latin America. The papers were chiefly accompanied by vivid presentations, and the meeting ended with a concert of Latin American music.

Keywords: scholarly conference, “Latin American Readings”, literature of Latin America, history of culture, artistic code, Latin American image of the world.
For citation:

Ogneva, Elena. “Literature of Latin America at the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University: Academic Life.” Literature of the Americas, no. 16 (2024): 445–451.