
№16 2024

УДК / UDK: 821.111(73).0


Author: Amina A. Zhamanova
About the author:

Amina A. Zhamanova, PhD in Art Studies, Doctor Honoris Causa, Academy of Film, Television and Internet (Bulgaria), European Association of Audiovisual Communications (Northern Macedonia), independent researcher, Moscow, Russia.


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This article is focused on the reconstruction of major stage productions based on Eugene O’Neill’s autobiographical play Long Day’s Journey into Night (1941). The author reviews the American tragedy staged by Latin American directors Jose Quintero (Helen Hayes Theatre, New York, 1956) and Luciano Suardi (Teatro San Martin, Buenos Aires, 2023). Special attention is paid to the first screen version of the play (directed by Sidney Lumet, USA, 1962) and its last staging on Broadway (directed by Jonathan Kent, American Airlines Theatre, New York, 2016). Also under scrutiny are Eugene O’Neill’s private correspondence with the Spanish translator of his plays Leon Mirlas and the negotiations held between director Elia Kazan and playwright’s widow Carlotta Monterey O’Neill. For the first time in the history of Russian theatre studies we see an attempt to identify the causes for a failed U.S. Premiere of O’Neill’s tragedy in 1956 under Kazan’s direction.

Keywords: Eugene O’Neill, American drama, Long Day’s Journey into Night, Elia Kazan, Broadway, stage production, Jose Quintero, Jason Robards Jr., Luciano Suardi, screen version, Sidney Lumet, Katharine Hepburn, Jonathan Kent, Jessica Lange, history of drama and theatre.
For citation:

Zhamanova, Amina. “Eugene O’Neill’s Long Day’s Journey into Night across the North and South America.” Literature of the Americas, no. 16 (2024): 390–411. 


Fridshtein 1982 — Fridshtein, Yury G. “Yudzhin O’Nil (1888–1953)” [“Eugene O’Neill (1888–1953)”]. In Eugene O’Neill: Biobibliographic Index. Moscow: Kniga Publ., 1982. (In Russ.)

Kazan 2014 — Kazan, Elia. The Selected Letters of Elia Kazan. Edited by Albert J. Devlin with Marlene J. Devlin. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2014.

Mirlas 1938 — Mirlas, Leon. El teatro de ONeill: estudio de su personalidad y sus obras. Buenos Aires: Claridad, 1938.

Mirlas 1950 — Mirlas, Leon. ONeill y el teatro contemporaneo. Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 1950.

O’Neill 1988 — O’Neill, Eugene. Complete Plays 1932–1943. Notes by Travis Bogard. New York: The Library of America, 1988.

O’Neill 1994 — O’Neill, Eugene. Selected Letters of Eugene O’Neill. Edited by Travis Bogard, Jackson R. Bryer. New York: Limelight Editions, 1994.