
№3 2017

УДК / UDK: 792.09: 82-21


Author: Maxim M. Gudkov
About the author:

Maxim M. Gudkov (Senior lecturer, Saint Petersburg State University; Post-graduate student, Russian State Institute of Performing Arts, St. Petersburg)

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Thе paper discusses the reception of Soviet dramaturgy in the American commercial theatre of the 1920–1930s. The author investigates the theatrical history of Soviet plays on Broadway in the wide political and cultural Soviet-American macro-context during the interwar period. The analysis is aimed at specifying certain aspects of American theatrical activity, as well as extending the contemporary view of the influence the Soviet playwrights’ works had on the American theatre.

Keywords: American theatre, Broadway, Soviet dramaturgy, “Snowstorm” by D. Scheglov, “Rust” by V. Kirshon, A. Uspensky, “Roar China” by S. Tretiakov, “Squaring the Circle” and “The Path of Flowers” by V. Kataev.

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