
№8 2020

УДК / UDK: 82(091)

Author: Tatiana D. Venediktova
About the author:

Tatiana D. Venediktova (Doctor Hab. in Philology; Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University)

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Bloom, H. Strakh vliianiia. Karta perechityvaniia [The Anxiety of Influence. A Map of Misreading]. Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo Ural'skogo un-ta Publ., 1998. (In Russ.)

Nussbaum, Martha C. Poetic Justice: The Literary Imagination and Public Life. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1995.

Ranciere, J. Aisthesis: Scenes from the Aesthetic Regime of Art. Chicago, IL: Chicago University Press, 2011.

Walt Whitman. The Measure of His Song, eds. J. Perelman, E. Folsom. Duluth, MN: Holy Cow Press, 1998.