
A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Junior researcher

Web of Science Researcher ID JPY-4337-2023

ORCID: 0000-0003-2102-547X



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A. Maltz, H. Fast, L. Hellman and the USSR: Literary Contacts

Academic interests:

  • American literature
  • Soviet-American literary contacts
  • Cultural exchanges
  • Source studies
  • Archival studies

Selected bibliography:

In Literature of the Americas:

1. Shcherbinina Olga. “Howard Fast and Soviet Writers. Article 1. ‘A Friendly Hand Reaching out Across the Ocean’: 1949–1955.” no. 14 (2023): 285–314.

2. Shcherbinina Olga. “Howard Fast and Soviet Writers. Article 2. ‘A Victim of the Most Incredible Swindle’: 1955–1959.” no. 15 (2023): 179–249.

3. Shcherbinina Olga. “Albert Maltz and Raisa Orlova, 1960s-1970s.” no. 8 (2020): 171-234.

4. Shcherbinina Olga. “Dorothy Thompson’s travelogue ‘New Russia’: An Assignment to the USSR.” no. 13 (2017): 55-66.



  1. ʽA Trusted Ally’: Phillip Bonosky’s Soviet Contacts. Literaturnyi fakt, no. 2 (32), 2024, pp. 341–361. (In Russ.)
  2. From Vilnius to Hanoi: Phillip Bonosky’s Journeys to the Countries of the Socialist Bloc. New Russian Humanitarian Research. On-line Journal of IWL RAS. Issue 19, 2024. (In Russ.)
  3. “ʽSeven Romantics Sailing Away.’ Soviet Journalists on the First Cultural Exchange Visit to the US during the Khrushchev ʽThaw’.” Literaturnyi fakt, no. 3 (29), 2023: 293–322.
  4. “Howard Fast, the USSR and the Jewish Question.” New Russian Humanitarian Studies, vol. 18, 2023.
  5.  “Howard Fast’s Correspondence with Soviet Writers: Conversation about Literature.” Moscow State Regional University Bulletin. Series: Russian Philology, no. 3, 2022: 112-117.
  6. “Northern Cheyenne Exodus and Negroes Lynching: Historical Novels of Howard Fast in the USSR.” RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism, no. 2 (26), 2021: 217-226.
  7. “‘Drama of Upcoming Battles’: Albert Maltz’s plays in the USSR.” New Russian Humanitarian Studies, vol. 16, 2021: 130.
  8.  “Lillian Hellman and the Soviet Theatre”. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, no. 2 (13), 2021: 132-141.
  9. “Soviet Union in Lillian Hellman’s Memoirs.” Philological Class, no. 4 (26), 2021: 284-290.
  10. “Albert Maltz and the Russian Literature: Reception, Analysis, Criticism.” Saratov University Bulletin. New Series. Philology. Journalism, no. 3 (20), 2020: 326-331.


Howard Fast and Soviet Writers. Moscow, Litfakt Publ., 2024.