
A.M. Gorky IWL RAS. Moscow.

Doctor Hab. of Philology, leading research fellow

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PhD thesis:

The Poetry of José Martí (MSU, 1986)

Habilitation thesis:

Literature in the Cultural System of the Avant-garde (IWL RAS, 2013)

Academic biography:

1965-1970 - Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, Pyatigorsk;

1976-1979 - postgraduate studies at the department of foreign literature, faculty of literature studies, MSU;

1981-1991 - worked in editorial houses “Progress” and “Raduga”;

1992-1993 - worked in the Institute of Latin America of the RAS;

since 1993 - works in the IWL RAS;

since 2005 - works and in the State Institute for Art Studies.

Selected bibliography:


  1. Pablo de Rokha and Pablo Neruda, or, on the Dissimilarity of Similar. Literature of Americas, no. 16, 2024, pp. 103–119. (In Russ.)
  2. The Concept of Personality in the Works of José Martí. Latinskaya America, 1979, № 6.
  3. The Originality of the Hispanic Literature and Creative Originality of José Martí. Latinskaya America, 1982, № 1.
  4. Under the Banner of Culture. Latinskaya America, 1988, № 6.
  5. José Martí: camino de perfección. Anuario del Centro de Estudios Martianos, 1988, № 11.
  6. C.Vitier: “From Understanding Poetry to Poetry of Understanding”. Latinskaya America, 1991, № 4.
  7. “I only can express my life by dying… ” (to 100 Years from the Birth of C.Vallejo). Latinskaya America, 1992, № 5-6.
  8. To the Issue of Latin-American View of the World. Latinskaya America, 1993, № 9.
  9. To the Other Side from East and West. Latinskaya America, 1994, № 2.
  10. Chapter: Ideological and Aesthetic Foundations of the Hispanic Modernism. The History of Literatures of Latin America, vol. 3; Moscow, 1994.
  11. The Avant-garde as a Cluster of Meanings. The Research of Artistic Consciousness of the 1910-1930s. Voprosy Iskusstvoznaniya. № 2, 1997.
  12. The Avant-garde as a Historical Style. Tvorchestvo’98.
  13. Otredad de la cultura latinoamericana: poética de José Lezama Lima. Unión, Nº 33, 1998.
  14. Searching for the “Primordial Purity”. The Era of Avant-garde in the Culture of Cuba.. Latinskaya America, № 7, 2000.
  15. Guillen is a Special Topic…. Latinskaya America, № 1, 2001.
  16. The Prose and Poetry of Venezuela of the 20th century. Latinskaya America (Part 1), № 8, 2001.
  17. The Prose and Poetry of Venezuela of the 20th century. Latinskaya America (Part 2), № 9, 2001.
  18. The Unicorn Games. Latinskaya America, № 9, 2001.
  19. Más allá del Oriente y el Occidente ¿Identidad o mismidad?. Espiral, Nº 20 (enero-abril 2001), Universidad de Guadalajara, México.
  20. Algunas notas sobre la vanguardia rusa y la latinoamericana. Cuadernos americanos, Nº 85, enero-febrero, 2001.
  21. The Latin-American Carnival and the Issue of Etnic and Cultural Identity. The Holiday in Ibero-American Culture. Iberica Americans. Moscow, 2002.
  22. The Border and Emptiness: to the Issue of Semiosis of Borderline Cultures. Voprosy Philosophii. Moscow, 2002, № 11.
  23. The “Home” of Garcia Marquez. Vestnik RGNF, 2002, № 4.
  24. Cintio Vitier: de la conciencia de la poesía a la poesía de la conciencia.. Temas. Nº33-34, 2003.
  25. El Modernismo brasileño como espejo de la Revolucion rusa. Сaderno de Literatura e Cultura Russa. São Paulo, 2004, № 1.
  26. Chapters: Cuban Literature; Columbian Literature; Venezuelan Literature. History of Latin American Literatures, vol. 4. Moscow, 2004.
  27. “One Hundred Years of Solutide” 35 years later. Voprosy Literatury, № 1, 2004.
  28. El Modernismo brasileño como espejo de la Revolucion rusa. Сaderno de Literatura e Cultura Russa. São Paulo, 2004, № 1.
  29. To Building of an Avant-garde Worldview. Vestnik RGNF, № 3, 2005.
  30. O modernismo hispano-americano em correspondência tipológica com o simbolismo europeu ocidental e russo. Tipologia do simbolismo na cultura russa e ocidental, São Paulo, Editora Humanitas, 2005.
  31. Chapters: Cesar Vallejo; Pablo Neruda; Jose Lezama Lima; Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The History of Latin American Literatures, vol. 5. Moscow, 2005.
  32. On One Avant-gard Concept: dissociation/integration. Akademicheskiye Tetradi, № 12, 2006.
  33. The Phenomena of Surrealism in the Culture of Latin America. The Issues of the Ibero-American Culture. State Institute for Art Studies. 2007.
  34. Love in the Time of Cholera, or a Couple Words about Latin American Studies – Russkiy Zhurnal, 30 January, 2007.
  35. On the topic of Holiday Culture of Latin America. – Russkiy Zhurnal, 3 April, 2007.
  36. “Love Needs to be Learned Too”. To the 80th Anniversary of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Russkiy Zhurnal, 7 June, 2007.
  37. Is It Possible to Create the Formula of Avant-garde?. Vestnik RGNF, № 3, 2007.
  38. Was Vicente Huidobro the Paladin of Avant-garde?. Latinskaya America, № 7, 2008.
  39. The Dialectics of Avant-garde. The Classic of Literature in a Dialogue between Cultures. Issue 1. Moscow, IWL RAS. 2008.
  40. On the topic of Holiday Culture of Latin America. Aesthetic and Culturological Meanings of a Holiday. Moscow, State Institute for Art Studies. 2009.
  41. Synthesis or Heterogeneity? On the Issue of Latin American Cultural Genesis. Isskustvoznaniye, № 4, 2008.
  42. The Phenomena of Surrealism in the Culture of Latin America. The Issues of Ibero-American Art. Issue 1. State Institute for Art Studies. 2007.
  43. Avant-garde as a Cultural Model. – The Faces of Time, a collection of articles. Moscow, 2009.
  44. Avant-garde between Spain and Latin America. The Issues of Ibero-American Art. Issue 2. State Institute for Art Studies. 2009.
  45. Chapters “Introduction”, “Systematic Concepts of the Avant-garde Culture”, “The Issue of Avant-garde: Contents, Limits, Concepts”, “Avant-garde in Latin America” in the collective work “Avant-garde in the Culture of the 20th Century (1900-1930). Theory. History. Poetics”; project management, editing. Moscow, IWL RAS. 2010.
  46. Does Avant-garde Constitute a Style?. Iskusstvoznaniye. № 1/2, 2011.
  47. The Avant-garde Worldview. Cultura I Iskusstvo, № 3, 2011.
  48. Function of a Myth in the Culture of Latin America. Myth and the Cultural Consciousness of the 20th Century. Moscow, 2011.
  49. Cesar Vallejo and Vicente Huidobro: the Two Pillars of Latin American Avant-garde. Latinskaya America, № 11, 2011.
  50. “The Image of the World War 1 in the Poetics of Avant-Garde”. Report at an international conference “Faces of the 20th Century. Literature and Society”. MSU. 22 June, 2012.
  51. Retrospective Tendencies in Avant-garde in the First Third of the 20th century. Izvestiya RAS. Series on literature and language. № 2, 2012.
  52. Latin America: Identity or Oneness?. Historical Journal: Scholarly Research. № 1, 2012.
  53. Does Avant-garde Constitute a Style?. Theory of Artistic Culture. Issue 14. Moscow, 2012.
  54. The Originality of Tradition in Avant-arde. New Russian  Humanitarian Research. № 7, 2012.
  55. From Mystery Plays to Circus (Avant-garde Theater  in the First Third of the 20th Century). Khudozhestvennaya Cultura. Issue 3. Moscow, State Institute for Art Studies. 2012.
  56. History and/or Art?. Khudozhestvennaya Cultura. Issue 4. Moscow, State Institute for Art Studies. 2012.
  57. “Evolution of the Avant-garde Paradigm”. Report at a conference “Western Art. The 1930s”. State Institute for Art Studies. 26 October, 2012.
  58. Ontologisation of the Symbol in the Avant-garde Culture. Voprosy Philosophii, № 11, 2012.
  59. Topoi of Border and Frontier in Latin American Culture. Materials of the conference “The Frontier of Civilization and Culture as a Generator of World Culture/Literature”. Moscow, IWL RAS. 4-6 June, 2012. New Russian Humanitarian Research
  60. Avant-garde Theater as the Model of an Era (The First Third of the 20th Century). The Issues of Ibero-American Art. Issue 3. State Institute for Art Studies. 2012.
  61. Avant-garde: Theoretical Aspects and Ibero-American Projections. The Issues of Ibero-American Art. Issue 3. State Institute for Art Studies. 2012.
  62. Manifestos, Programs, Declarations of the Latin American Avant-garde. Latinskaya America. № 1-2. 2013.
  63. Violencia as a Type of Culture. Columbian Variety. Latinskaya America. № 11. 2013. pp 97-107
  64. Avant-garde as a Borderline Form of Culture. Dialog so Vremenem. № 42. 2013. pp 46-67
  65. The Concepts of Borders, Horizon and Emptiness in Latin American Culture. Issues of Cultural Frontier. Moscow. 2014. pp 349-364.
  66. Transnationality of Avant-garde / Metamorphosis of Cultures and New Perspectives. A collection of articles. Tokyo, 2015. pp 132-142.
  67. On Desemantization of the Avant-garde Text. Iskusstvoznaniye. № 1-2. 2015. pp 216-232.
  68. Thanatology of Spanish Poetry of the 20th Century. Latinskaya America. 2016. № 3. pp 71-82
  69. Following Columbus’s Caravels: Valeriy Zemskov’s Heritage. Voprosy Literatury. 2016. № 3. pp 271-281.
  70. The Otherness of Latin America. Links. “Worlds of Worlds” in the Search of Identity. Russia and Latin America in a Comparative and Historical Perspective. 2016. № 1 (18). pp 44-81.
  71. Un otro Arreola. La Gazeta Literaria. Publicación mensual de Literatura y Filosofía. Nº 1.  2017. Ciudad Guzmán. Jalisco. México.


  1. Poetry of Jose Marti. Moscow, 2002.
  2. Poetics of supertelicity. On the Subject of Interpreting the Artistic Processes in Latin American Culture. Saint Petersburg, 2008.
  3. Poesía de José Martí. Centro de Estudios Martianos. La Habana, 2010.
  4. The Worldview of Avant-garde Era. Avant-garde as the Systematic Integrity. IWL RAS. Moscow, 2013.
  5. Latin America: the Culture of Otherness. Moscow, State Institute for Art Studies. 2018. 276 p.

Articles for the “Culturology. 20th Century” encyclopedia. Moscow, 1998; “The Culture of Latin America” encyclopedia, Moscow, 2000; “Literary Encyclopedia of Terms and Concepts”, Moscow, 2001; “The Vocabulary of Surrealism”; “Grand Russian Encyclopedia”; Wikipedia; “Encyclopedia of Latin America”, Moscow, 2012.


Membership in professional communities, grants:

  • Member of the Association of Researchers of the Ibero-American World, member of the Association of Spanish Researchers of Russia
  • Academic secretary of the publishing series Iberica Americans (Council for the History of World Culture RAS).
  • Grant “Genaro Estrada” from The Mexican Secretariat of Foreign Affairs, 2000; Grant from the Russian Scholarly Research Fund for a research project “Avant-garde in the culture of the 20th century (1900-1930)” № 04-04-00221а, 2004-2006.