A.M. Gorky IWL RAS. Moscow.
Doctor Hab. of Philology, leading research fellow
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PhD thesis:
The Poetry of José Martí (MSU, 1986)
Habilitation thesis:
Literature in the Cultural System of the Avant-garde (IWL RAS, 2013)
Academic biography:
1965-1970 - Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, Pyatigorsk;
1976-1979 - postgraduate studies at the department of foreign literature, faculty of literature studies, MSU;
1981-1991 - worked in editorial houses “Progress” and “Raduga”;
1992-1993 - worked in the Institute of Latin America of the RAS;
since 1993 - works in the IWL RAS;
since 2005 - works and in the State Institute for Art Studies.
Selected bibliography:
- Pablo de Rokha and Pablo Neruda, or, on the Dissimilarity of Similar. Literature of Americas, no. 16, 2024, pp. 103–119. (In Russ.)
- The Concept of Personality in the Works of José Martí. Latinskaya America, 1979, № 6.
- The Originality of the Hispanic Literature and Creative Originality of José Martí. Latinskaya America, 1982, № 1.
- Under the Banner of Culture. Latinskaya America, 1988, № 6.
- José Martí: camino de perfección. Anuario del Centro de Estudios Martianos, 1988, № 11.
- C.Vitier: “From Understanding Poetry to Poetry of Understanding”. Latinskaya America, 1991, № 4.
- “I only can express my life by dying… ” (to 100 Years from the Birth of C.Vallejo). Latinskaya America, 1992, № 5-6.
- To the Issue of Latin-American View of the World. Latinskaya America, 1993, № 9.
- To the Other Side from East and West. Latinskaya America, 1994, № 2.
- Chapter: Ideological and Aesthetic Foundations of the Hispanic Modernism. The History of Literatures of Latin America, vol. 3; Moscow, 1994.
- The Avant-garde as a Cluster of Meanings. The Research of Artistic Consciousness of the 1910-1930s. Voprosy Iskusstvoznaniya. № 2, 1997.
- The Avant-garde as a Historical Style. Tvorchestvo’98.
- Otredad de la cultura latinoamericana: poética de José Lezama Lima. Unión, Nº 33, 1998.
- Searching for the “Primordial Purity”. The Era of Avant-garde in the Culture of Cuba.. Latinskaya America, № 7, 2000.
- Guillen is a Special Topic…. Latinskaya America, № 1, 2001.
- The Prose and Poetry of Venezuela of the 20th century. Latinskaya America (Part 1), № 8, 2001.
- The Prose and Poetry of Venezuela of the 20th century. Latinskaya America (Part 2), № 9, 2001.
- The Unicorn Games. Latinskaya America, № 9, 2001.
- Más allá del Oriente y el Occidente ¿Identidad o mismidad?. Espiral, Nº 20 (enero-abril 2001), Universidad de Guadalajara, México.
- Algunas notas sobre la vanguardia rusa y la latinoamericana. Cuadernos americanos, Nº 85, enero-febrero, 2001.
- The Latin-American Carnival and the Issue of Etnic and Cultural Identity. The Holiday in Ibero-American Culture. Iberica Americans. Moscow, 2002.
- The Border and Emptiness: to the Issue of Semiosis of Borderline Cultures. Voprosy Philosophii. Moscow, 2002, № 11.
- The “Home” of Garcia Marquez. Vestnik RGNF, 2002, № 4.
- Cintio Vitier: de la conciencia de la poesía a la poesía de la conciencia.. Temas. Nº33-34, 2003.
- El Modernismo brasileño como espejo de la Revolucion rusa. Сaderno de Literatura e Cultura Russa. São Paulo, 2004, № 1.
- Chapters: Cuban Literature; Columbian Literature; Venezuelan Literature. History of Latin American Literatures, vol. 4. Moscow, 2004.
- “One Hundred Years of Solutide” 35 years later. Voprosy Literatury, № 1, 2004.
- El Modernismo brasileño como espejo de la Revolucion rusa. Сaderno de Literatura e Cultura Russa. São Paulo, 2004, № 1.
- To Building of an Avant-garde Worldview. Vestnik RGNF, № 3, 2005.
- O modernismo hispano-americano em correspondência tipológica com o simbolismo europeu ocidental e russo. Tipologia do simbolismo na cultura russa e ocidental, São Paulo, Editora Humanitas, 2005.
- Chapters: Cesar Vallejo; Pablo Neruda; Jose Lezama Lima; Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The History of Latin American Literatures, vol. 5. Moscow, 2005.
- On One Avant-gard Concept: dissociation/integration. Akademicheskiye Tetradi, № 12, 2006.
- The Phenomena of Surrealism in the Culture of Latin America. The Issues of the Ibero-American Culture. State Institute for Art Studies. 2007.
- Love in the Time of Cholera, or a Couple Words about Latin American Studies – Russkiy Zhurnal, 30 January, 2007. http://www.russ.ru/russ/culture.
- On the topic of Holiday Culture of Latin America. – Russkiy Zhurnal, 3 April, 2007. http://www.russ.ru/russ/culture.
- “Love Needs to be Learned Too”. To the 80th Anniversary of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Russkiy Zhurnal, 7 June, 2007. http://www.russ.ru/russ/culture.
- Is It Possible to Create the Formula of Avant-garde?. Vestnik RGNF, № 3, 2007.
- Was Vicente Huidobro the Paladin of Avant-garde?. Latinskaya America, № 7, 2008.
- The Dialectics of Avant-garde. The Classic of Literature in a Dialogue between Cultures. Issue 1. Moscow, IWL RAS. 2008.
- On the topic of Holiday Culture of Latin America. Aesthetic and Culturological Meanings of a Holiday. Moscow, State Institute for Art Studies. 2009.
- Synthesis or Heterogeneity? On the Issue of Latin American Cultural Genesis. Isskustvoznaniye, № 4, 2008.
- The Phenomena of Surrealism in the Culture of Latin America. The Issues of Ibero-American Art. Issue 1. State Institute for Art Studies. 2007.
- Avant-garde as a Cultural Model. – The Faces of Time, a collection of articles. Moscow, 2009.
- Avant-garde between Spain and Latin America. The Issues of Ibero-American Art. Issue 2. State Institute for Art Studies. 2009.
- Chapters “Introduction”, “Systematic Concepts of the Avant-garde Culture”, “The Issue of Avant-garde: Contents, Limits, Concepts”, “Avant-garde in Latin America” in the collective work “Avant-garde in the Culture of the 20th Century (1900-1930). Theory. History. Poetics”; project management, editing. Moscow, IWL RAS. 2010.
- Does Avant-garde Constitute a Style?. Iskusstvoznaniye. № 1/2, 2011.
- The Avant-garde Worldview. Cultura I Iskusstvo, № 3, 2011.
- Function of a Myth in the Culture of Latin America. Myth and the Cultural Consciousness of the 20th Century. Moscow, 2011.
- Cesar Vallejo and Vicente Huidobro: the Two Pillars of Latin American Avant-garde. Latinskaya America, № 11, 2011.
- “The Image of the World War 1 in the Poetics of Avant-Garde”. Report at an international conference “Faces of the 20th Century. Literature and Society”. MSU. 22 June, 2012.
- Retrospective Tendencies in Avant-garde in the First Third of the 20th century. Izvestiya RAS. Series on literature and language. № 2, 2012.
- Latin America: Identity or Oneness?. Historical Journal: Scholarly Research. № 1, 2012.
- Does Avant-garde Constitute a Style?. Theory of Artistic Culture. Issue 14. Moscow, 2012.
- The Originality of Tradition in Avant-arde. New Russian Humanitarian Research. № 7, 2012.
- From Mystery Plays to Circus (Avant-garde Theater in the First Third of the 20th Century). Khudozhestvennaya Cultura. Issue 3. Moscow, State Institute for Art Studies. 2012.
- History and/or Art?. Khudozhestvennaya Cultura. Issue 4. Moscow, State Institute for Art Studies. 2012.
- “Evolution of the Avant-garde Paradigm”. Report at a conference “Western Art. The 1930s”. State Institute for Art Studies. 26 October, 2012.
- Ontologisation of the Symbol in the Avant-garde Culture. Voprosy Philosophii, № 11, 2012.
- Topoi of Border and Frontier in Latin American Culture. Materials of the conference “The Frontier of Civilization and Culture as a Generator of World Culture/Literature”. Moscow, IWL RAS. 4-6 June, 2012. New Russian Humanitarian Research
- Avant-garde Theater as the Model of an Era (The First Third of the 20th Century). The Issues of Ibero-American Art. Issue 3. State Institute for Art Studies. 2012.
- Avant-garde: Theoretical Aspects and Ibero-American Projections. The Issues of Ibero-American Art. Issue 3. State Institute for Art Studies. 2012.
- Manifestos, Programs, Declarations of the Latin American Avant-garde. Latinskaya America. № 1-2. 2013.
- Violencia as a Type of Culture. Columbian Variety. Latinskaya America. № 11. 2013. pp 97-107
- Avant-garde as a Borderline Form of Culture. Dialog so Vremenem. № 42. 2013. pp 46-67
- The Concepts of Borders, Horizon and Emptiness in Latin American Culture. Issues of Cultural Frontier. Moscow. 2014. pp 349-364.
- Transnationality of Avant-garde / Metamorphosis of Cultures and New Perspectives. A collection of articles. Tokyo, 2015. pp 132-142.
- On Desemantization of the Avant-garde Text. Iskusstvoznaniye. № 1-2. 2015. pp 216-232.
- Thanatology of Spanish Poetry of the 20th Century. Latinskaya America. 2016. № 3. pp 71-82
- Following Columbus’s Caravels: Valeriy Zemskov’s Heritage. Voprosy Literatury. 2016. № 3. pp 271-281.
- The Otherness of Latin America. Links. “Worlds of Worlds” in the Search of Identity. Russia and Latin America in a Comparative and Historical Perspective. 2016. № 1 (18). pp 44-81.
- Un otro Arreola. La Gazeta Literaria. Publicación mensual de Literatura y Filosofía. Nº 1. 2017. Ciudad Guzmán. Jalisco. México.
- Poetry of Jose Marti. Moscow, 2002.
- Poetics of supertelicity. On the Subject of Interpreting the Artistic Processes in Latin American Culture. Saint Petersburg, 2008.
- Poesía de José Martí. Centro de Estudios Martianos. La Habana, 2010.
- The Worldview of Avant-garde Era. Avant-garde as the Systematic Integrity. IWL RAS. Moscow, 2013.
- Latin America: the Culture of Otherness. Moscow, State Institute for Art Studies. 2018. 276 p.
Articles for the “Culturology. 20th Century” encyclopedia. Moscow, 1998; “The Culture of Latin America” encyclopedia, Moscow, 2000; “Literary Encyclopedia of Terms and Concepts”, Moscow, 2001; “The Vocabulary of Surrealism”; “Grand Russian Encyclopedia”; Wikipedia; “Encyclopedia of Latin America”, Moscow, 2012.
Membership in professional communities, grants:
- Member of the Association of Researchers of the Ibero-American World, member of the Association of Spanish Researchers of Russia
- Academic secretary of the publishing series Iberica Americans (Council for the History of World Culture RAS).
- Grant “Genaro Estrada” from The Mexican Secretariat of Foreign Affairs, 2000; Grant from the Russian Scholarly Research Fund for a research project “Avant-garde in the culture of the 20th century (1900-1930)” № 04-04-00221а, 2004-2006.