Olga M. Ushakova

Tyumen State University

Doctor Hab. in Philology, Professor

Contact info:

e-mail: olmiva@rambler.ru


Doctor Habilitat. thesis:

European Cultural Tradition in T.S. Eliot's Works (Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2007)

Ph. D. thesis:

Peculiarities of the English Verse Drama of the 1930-1950’s (T.S. Eliot, Christopher Fry) (Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1988)


Teaching experience:


2008- present – Professor, Dept. for Foreign Literature, Tyumen State University

1993-2008 – Associate Professor, Dept. for Foreign Literature, Tyumen State University

1988–1993 – Assistant Professor, Dept. for Foreign Literature, Tyumen State


Courses taught:

History of Classic Literature (Greek and Roman), Ancient Culture (Greece and Rome), History of Arts, Medieval and Renaissance Literature, History of Foreign Literature of the 17-18th centuries, History of the 19th Century Foreign Literature, English Literature, Modernism in English Literature, T.S. Eliot and the 20th Century Western Culture, T.S. Eliot and Russian Culture, Comparative Literature, Introduction to English Literature: Close Reading, Myths and Legends of the World, Northrop Frye: Universal Methodology, Multiculturalism in Contemporary Cultures, “European Poetry in the Russian Context, The Reception of Russian Literature Abroad, The 20th Century European Theatre, British and American Poetry.


Invited Lecturing:

The Winter School of the "Oxford-Russia" Fund in Tyumen, Russia, December 2011, 2012, lecture "Multiculturalism in Contemporary Britain;

University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, USA, April 11, 2003, lecture "T.S. Eliot and Russian Culture";

University of Nebraska at Lincoln, USA, April 15, 2003, lecture "T. S. Eliot and Russian Culture.


Fellowships and Grants:

Association for Women Slavic Studies (AWSS) Travel Grant for travelling to international conferences. November 2013.
Harry Ransom Center Research Fellowship in the Humanities. The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Research Fellowship Endowment. Harry Ransom Center University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA. January-February 2012.
Fulbright Scholar Award (Fulbright Program, administered by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, United States Department of State with the co-operation of the Council for International Exchange of Scholars), Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI, USA, January-July 2003.
Canadian Studies Faculty Enrichment Award, the Grant by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, a short term research, University of Toronto, Canada, October-November 2002;

Federal National Research Grant "Development of Narrative Forms in the XXth Century Foreign Literature", Tyumen State University, 1996, 1999.

Junior Fulbright Development Program, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA, 1997-1998;

TACIS/TEMPUS Program, University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom, June-July, 1994


Awards and Honours:

A Commemorative Medal of the Year of Literature for the Special Contribution into the Booklore (2015);

A Leading Associate Professor (“Vedushiy Dotsent”) of the Tyumen State University (2002-2003; 2003-2004; 2005-2006; 2006-2007; 2007-2008 academic years).


Professional Training:

Professional Training Program “Contemporary Researcher School”. Tyumen, Tyumen State University, November- December 2016;

Professional Training Courses for the Tyumen State University Faculty "Innovative Processes and Contemporary Educational Technologies in Higher Education". Tyumen, Tyumen State University, November 2013;

Visiting Scholar of University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, August 2008.

The Third International Oxford-Russia Fund Seminar on Contemporary English Fiction. Oxford-Russia Fund, Perm State University. Perm, September 2007.

The Second International Oxford-Russia Fund Seminar on Contemporary English Fiction. Oxford-Russia Fund, Perm State University. Perm, September 2006.

The 5th Summer School in the Humanities "Popular Literature: The Experience of Cultural Mythmaking in America and Russia", The Fulbright Program in the Russian Federation, Moscow State University

The American Studies Association of Russia, Moscow, June, 2002;

The Faculty of Professional Training, Moscow State University, 1993.


Professional Societies:

International Association of University Professors of English (IAUPE);

British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES);

T.S. Eliot Society.


Selected bibliography:


  1. “ “Mass Culture’ and Some Aspects of T.S. Eliot’s Criticism”. In Dialectics of Form and Content in Language and Literature. Perm, 1984. P.24-26.

  1. “New Forms of Verse Drama and T.S. Eliot’s Art”. In Problems of Philology of the Western Siberia and Urals. Tyumen, 1986. P. 182-183.

  2. “Myth and Present in T.S. Eliot’s ‘The Cocktail Party’”. In Typological Aspects of Literary Analysis. Tyumen, 1987. P. 114-126.

  3. “Problem of Verse Drama Language in T.S. Eliot’s Criticism”. In The 20th Century and Problems of Western Literature and Criticism. Tyumen, 1987. P.47-56.

  4. “Humanistic Spirit of C. Fry’s Plays”. In Ideological Aspects of Teaching of Foreign Literature and Languages at High and Higher Educational Institutions. Tyumen, 1988. P. 20.

  1. “Development of English Verse Drama ( Ca. 1930-50’s) in the Literature and Arts Context of the 20th Century". In Problems of Relationships between Russian, Soviet and Foreign Literatures. Nalchik, 1988. P. 55-56.

  2. “ ‘Murder in the Cathedral’ by T.S. Eliot as a Modern Liturgical Drama”. In Literature and Journalism of the USA. Moscow State University, 1988. P. 55-56.

  3. “Traditions of Cambridge Anthropologists in T.S. Eliot’s Dramatic Theory”. In Foreign Literary Criticism: Problems of Studies and Teaching. Simpheropol, 1989. P. 7-8.

  4. In Search for Classicism: T.S. Eliot, J. Brodsky”. In Literature and Criticism in System of Spiritual Culture. Tyumen, 1989. P. 97.

12. “New Forms of Educational Activities at the Classes on ‘ History of the Ancient World Literature’ and ‘ History of the Ancient World Culture’ ”. In Organization and Control on Educational Activities of Students. Tyumen, 1990. P.19-20.

13. “Idea of Modern Verse Drama in the Works of English Poets-Playwrights”. In Writers as Critics. Dushanbe, 1990. P. 43-45.

  1. “Studies of the Ancient World Culture and Revival of Classical Education”. In Scientific and Technical Potential of the Tyumen Region: Conditions and Perspectives. Tyumen, 1991. P. 121-123.

  2. “Drama and Ritual: Two Poetic Ideas (Vyacheslav Ivanov, T.S. Eliot)”. In Foreign Literature and Development of Russian Literature of the18-20th Centuries. Tyumen, 1991. P. 161-170.

  3. “Humanistic Appeal of the Biblical Plots in C. Fry’s Plays”. In Social and Aesthetic Aspects of a Literary Text. Tyumen, 1991. P.121-127.

  4. “Jazz Age Melodrama: T.S.Eliot’s “Sweeney Agonistes”. In Literature and Arts Synthesis. Vol. 1. Tyumen, 1991. P. 121-127.

  5. “Image of the Road in Kerouac’s ‘On the Road’”. In The USA History and Culture in American Culture and Journalism. Moscow, 1991. P.56-57. (Co-author: I. Plotnikov)

  6. “Philosophy of Calvary in E. Kuzmina-Karavaeva’s Works”. In Abroad Russian Literature.Vol.1. Tyumen State University, 1992. P.40-46.

  7. “Methodology of Anglo-American New Criticism as a Seminar Problem”. In Problems of Foreign Literary Theory and Criticism. Simpheropol, 1992. P.99-100.

  8. “T.S. Eliot’s Notes on the ‘The Waste Land’ as an Integral Element of a Poetic Structure. Problems of Foreign Literary Theory and Criticism. Simpheropol, 1992. P.29-30.

  9. “Gospel Plots in T.S. Eliot’s ‘Murder in the Cathedral’”. In Problems of Relations of Literature and Philosophy. Tyumen, 1992. P. 73-81.

  10. “Concept of Time in T.S. Eliot’s ‘Four Quartets’(‘Burnt Norton’) and O. Messiaen's ‘Quatueur Pour La Fin Du Temps’”. In Synthesis of Arts: Theatre, Music, Cinema. Vol.2. Tyumen, 1992. P. 199-206.

  11. T.S. Eliot and Russian Culture (Statement of the Problem)”. In English Literature in the Context of Russian Culture. Proceedings of the Conference. Smolensk, 1993. P. 18.

  1. “Eschatological Themes in E. Kuzmina-Karavaeva’s Poems”. In Abroad Russian Literature. Vol.2. Tyumen State University, 1993. P. 30-36.

  2. Teaching Materials of the Lecture Course “T.S. Eliot and the 20 th Century Culture. Tyumen State University. 18 p.

  3. “Christmas Theme in B.L. Pasternak and T.S. Eliot Works”. In England and Russia: A Dialogue of Two Cultures. Proceedings of the International Conference, 1994. P. 57.

  4. “Poetics of a Mass in T.S. Eliot’s Tragedy ‘Murder in the Cathedral’”. In From the Rhetoric Culture to the Culture of Our Time. Tyumen, 1994. P. 113-117.

  5. “From Myth to Christianity: From ‘The Waste Land’ to ‘Four Quartets’ by T.S. Eliot”. In Modern Aspects of Teaching Russian and Foreign Literature. Ekaterinburg, 1994. P.38-39.

  6. “On Some Aspects of Socio-Cultural Criticism of T.S. Eliot: ‘The Idea of a Christian Society’”. In Culture. Intellect. Arts. Tyumen, 1994. PP.212-216.

  7. “Lyrical Portraits of English Poets (J. Donne, T.S. Eliot) by J. Brodsky: On One European Poetic Tradition”. In Abroad Russian Literature. Vol.3. Tyumen State University, 1995. PP. 4-13.

  8. “English Literature of the 1930-50’s and Religion (Statement of the Problem)”. In Traditions: Culture, Education. Vol.2. Part 1. Tyumen, 1995. PP. 169-172.

  9. “Phenomenon of a Religious Drama Revival in the 20th Century”. In English Literature in the Context of Philosophic and Aesthetic Thought. Materials of the Conference. Perm, 1995. P.79.

  10. “’The Waste Land’: Literature and Reality”. In Security of Life's Work in Siberia and Far North.Vol.3. Tyumen, 1995. P.58-59.

  11. “The Problem of Religious Arts in the Works of Russian Philosophers”. In Culture: Image and Education. Tyumen, 1996. P.30-34.

  12. “Russian Literature of the 20th Century and the Development of a English Modernist Novel: Cross-cultural Studies As an Aspect of Philological Education”. In: Cultural Studies As an Aspect of Russian Education: Theory, Problems, Experience. Tyumen, 1996. P. 14-16.

  13. “On the Content of a Special Course ‘T.S. Eliot and the 20th Century Culture’”. In Literature as a Factor of Culture. Tyumen, 1996. PP.48-50.

  14. “Christianity and Culture as a Theme of T.S. Eliot’s ‘Essays Ancient and Modern’”. In English Literature in the Context of World Literary Process. Kirov, 1996. P. 79.

  1. Homer for Pleasure: Teaching Materials on the Ancient World Literature. Tyumen State University, 1996. 35 p.

  2. “Reading Skills of Difficult Texts and The Comments at the Classes on Foreign Literature”. In Traditions of Culture Studies in Russian Education and Perspectives of Their Development in the Beginning of the Third Millennium. Tyumen State University, 1997. P. 120-121.

  3. “Problem of Christian Virtues in the Works by G.K. Chesterton, C. S. Lewis”. In Problems of Education. Language and Literature As Aspects of an Individual Experience. Tyumen, 1997. P.164-169.

  4. “Symbolism of Elements in T.S. Eliot's ‘The Waste Land’. In Safety of Life and Work in Siberia and Far North. Materials of the Conference. Part 2. Tyumen State University, 1997. P. 81.

  5. “Christian Interpretation of an Ancient Myth in C. S. Lewis’ ‘Till We Have Faces’”. In Linguistic and Aesthetic Aspects of Textual Analysis. Solikamsk, 1997. P. 208-210.

  6. “The Problem ‘Literature and Religion’ in T.S. Eliot’s Works of the 1930’s”. In Fiction, Criticism and Journalism in the System of Spiritual Culture. Vol.3. Tyumen, 1997. P. 90-96.

  7. “Functions of the Ritual Sources in T.S. Eliot’s ‘The Waste Land’: On the Problem ‘Religion and the 20th Century Culture’”. In Problems of Style and Genre in Foreign Literature: Modern Aspects of Studies. Ekaterinburg, 1997. P. 33-44.

  8. “The Socio-Cultural Context of the Renaissance of Religion in English Literature (Ca. 1920-1950’s)”. In Proceedings of the St. Borromeo Conference on Catholicism in Literature. The University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 1998. P.14-16.

  9. “On the New Publications of T.S. Eliot”. In Education, Language, Culture on the Boundary of the 20 th -21st Centuries. Part 3. Ufa: Vostochniy Universitet, 1998. P.24.

  10. “Traditions of Medieval Miracle Plays in E.Y. Kuzmina-Karavaeva’s Drama ‘Anna’”. In Russian Literature Abroad. Vol. 4. Tyumen State University,

1998. P. 24 -30 (Co-author: T. V. Emelyanova).

  1. “Peculiarities of European Literature Studies in Secondary Schools at the Beginning of the 20th Century (Tyumen Grammar School for Girls)”. In Socio-Cultural and Cultural Aspects of the Development of West Siberia. Tyumen, 1999. P. 169 -170 (Co-author: E.V. Taranova).

  2. New Forms of a Novel in English Literature of the First Half of the 20th Century (James Joyce): Teaching Materials. Part 1.Tyumen State University, 1999. 28 p.

  3. “A Russian Factor in T.S. Eliot’s Works of the 1910-20-s”. In Genre Theory at the Border of the Milleniums. Moscow, 1999. P. 40-41.

  1. “Medieval Genre Models in English Religious Dramas of the 20th Century”. In Problems of Regional Culture Studies: History, Present, Perspectives. Tyumen, 1999. P. 198-204.

  2. “The Grahal Myth in T.S. Eliot's ‘The Waste Land’”. In Vestnik of the Tyumen State University. No.4. 1999. P. 49-56.

  3. “Christian Revival in English Literature of the 1930-50-s as the Dominant Trend of the Literary Process”. In Problems of Foreign Literature Studies at High Schools and Universities. Astrakhan, 2000. P.31.

  4. “T.S. Eliot’s Poetry as ‘The Divine Comedy’ of the 20th Century. In British Literature in the European Cultural Context. Nizhniy Novgorod, 2000. P. 65-66.

  5. “Foreign Literature of the 20th Century: Results, Prospects”. In Vestnik of the Tyumen State University. No. 1. 2000. P. 171-173.

  6. “Theme of Spiritual Progress in T.S. Eliot’s ‘Ash Wednesday’”. In Proceedings of the Conference “ Christianity and American Culture”. Moscow, 2000. P. 101- 104.

  7. “Development of a Theocentric Chronotope in T.S. Eliot’s Poetry”. In Development of Narrative Forms in the Foreign Literature of the 20th Century. Tyumen, 2000. P. 74-80.

  8. “Experience of Modern Christian Aesthetic Thought in the Works by J. Maritain”. In Culture and Society. Tyumen, 2000. P.69-73.

  9. “Fiction as the Factor of Cross-cultural Communications”. In Development of Communicative Linguistic Competence in Accordance with Social Demands. Proceedings of the International Conference. Tyumen, 2001. P. 182-183.

  10. “High Modernism and the Tradition of Classicism”. In Proceedings of the 13th Purishev Conference. Moscow: Narodniy Uchitel, 2001. P. 276-277.

  11. “T.S. Eliot and Problem of Metaphysical Poetry”. In International Scientific Conference "Language and Culture". Proceedings. Moscow, 2001. P. 195-196.

  12. “T.S. Eliot and Popular Culture”. In Procedings of the Conference "American Culture: Globalization and Regionalism". Moscow: Moscow State University, 2001. P. 162-163.

  13. “The ‘Western Canon’ and the Problem of Globalization“. In Globalization and the Possibilities of Establishing Russian-American Collaboration in Business, Education, and Culture. Ekaterinburg, 2001. P. 124-128.

  14. “The Nightingale Myth in Classical Literature”. In Language and Literature. № 14. 2001 Online at URL:htpl://www.utmn.ru/frgf/journal/htm.

  15. “Artes Liberales On-line: The History of Foreign Literature and New Technologies”. In Vestnik of the Tyumen State University. No. 2. 2001. P.246-249.

  16. “Procne and Philomel's Myth in T. S. Eliot's Poetry”. In Izvestiya of the Ural State University. No. 21. 2001. Series "The Problems of Education, Science and Culture". Vol.11. P. 17 -33.

  17. “Urban Discourse in T. S. Eliot's Poetry of 1the 910-20-s”. In Philological Discourse: Journal of the Philological Department of the Tyumen State University. Vol. 2. Tyumen: Tyumen University Press, 2001. P. 212-218.

  18. “Globalization: The Problem of Definitions”. In Current Problems of World Culture Teaching and Globalization of Educational Processes. Tyumen: Tyumen University Press, 2002. P. 88-95.

  19. “T.S. Eliot and Russian Ballet”. In Proceedings of the 14th Purishev Conference. World Literature in the Context of Culture. Moscow: MSPU, 2002. P.387 -388.

  20. “Philosophy of the Purgatory in T.S. Eliot' s ‘Ash Wednesday’". In Moscow State University Bulletin. Series 9 “Philology”. No. 2. 2002. P. 57-80.

  21. “Dante's ‘Divine Comedy’ and T.S. Eliot's Poetry of the 1910-20-s: Idiom of Hell. In Development of Narrative Forms in the Foreign Literature of the 20th Century. Volume 2. Tyumen: Tyumen State University Press, 2002. P. 3-20.

  22. “T.S. Eliot's Popular Text”. In Popular Literature. American and Russian Experience in Cultural Myth-Making. Moscow State University Press, 2003. P.169-173.

  23. “T.S. Eliot's Reputation in Russia”. In T.S. Eliot Society Newsletter. No. 49. Spring 2003. PP. 5-7.

  24. “T.S. Eliot and Modern Russian Poets”. In T.S. Eliot Society Newsletter. No.50. Summer 2003. P.8-9.

  25. “T.S. Eliot's ‘The Waste Land’ and A. A. Akhmatova's ‘Poem without a Hero’. In Literature and Arts. Proceedings of the International Conference by the Russian Society of American Culture Studies. Moscow: Moscow State University, 2003. P.203-207.

  26. “Dante's Images in Poetry by T.S. Eliot and A. A. Akhmatova”. In Proceedings of the 16th Purishev Conference: World Literature in the Context of Culture. Moscow: MPSU, 2004. P. 204-205.

  27. “Gospels' Text in T.S. Eliot's ‘Journey of the Magi’. In Bible and National Cultures. Perm: Perm State University, 2004. P. 108-114.

  28. “On Some Cultural Codes in T.S. Eliot's ‘Four Quartets’". In Foreign Literature: Historico-Cultural and Typological Aspects. Tyumen: Tyumen State University Press, 2005. P. 118-125.

  29. “T.S. Eliot's Book of Verse ‘Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats” and Tradition of Nonsense Poetry. In Foreign Literature: Historico-Cultural and Typological Aspects. Tyumen: Tyumen State University Press, 2005. P. 70-76 (Co-author: E.A. Danilova).

  30. “City's Space and Dante's Cosmography in P. Ackroyd's ‘The House of Doctor Dee’”. In Foreign Literature: Historico-Cultural and Typological Aspects. Tyumen: Tyumen State University Press, 2005. P.76- 83 (Co-author: E.S. Klimenko).

  31. “Walks through a Rose-Garden in T.S. Eliot's ‘Burnt Norton’”. In Proceedings of the 17th Purishev Conference: "To Travel Means to Live". Concept of Journey in World Literature. Moscow: MPSU, 2004. P. 250-251.

  32. “Images of Russia in T.S. Eliot's Works”. In American Studies in Siberia. Vol. 8. Tomsk: Tomsk State University Press, 2005. P. 130-140.

  33. “’You Can Talk to Angels…’ (From the interview of Christine Rydel with Victor Shklovsky)”. In Voprosi Literaturi. No. 5. 2005. P. 3-10. Publication of materials, commentaries (Co-authors: Dubovik V., Lekmanov O., and Medvedev A.).

  34. “Myth on Nightingale in Classical Literature”. In Global and Local in Education and Culture. Tyumen: Tyumen University Press, 2005. P. 75-81.

  35. “On Some Peculiarities of the Russian Translations of Feline Names (T.S. Eliot's ‘Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats’)”. In Global and Local in Education and Culture. Tyumen: Tyumen University Press, 2005. P. 117-123. (Co-author: E.A. Danilova).

  36. “Biblical and Liturgical Allusions in T.S. Eliot's ‘A Song for Simeon’”. In Bible and National Cultures. Perm: Perm State University, 2005. P. 106-110.

  37. “Biblical Prototype of the Hero in C. D. Simak's ‘Way Station’” In Bible and National Cultures. Perm: Perm State University, 2005. P. 110-111 (Co-author: Е. A. Ivanova).

  38. T.S. Eliot and European Cultural Tradition. Tyumen: Tyumen State University Press, 2005. 220 p.

  39. “T.S. Eliot's ‘Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats’: Text and Context”. In The Best Qualification Papers of 2005 (A Collection of the Best Graduate Papers). Vol. 1. Humanities. Tyumen: Tyumen State University Press, 2006. P. 14-22 (Co-author: E.A. Danilova, a graduate).

  40. “Images of Dante's Paradise in T.S. Eliot's ‘Four Quartets’”. In Moscow State University Bulletin. Series 9 “Philology”. No. 2. 2006. P. 85-112.

  41. “Problem of Interrelations of Religion and Culture in T.S. Eliot's Criticism”. In Vestnik of the Tyumen State University. No. 1. 2006. P. 10–21.

  42. “T.S. Eliot and Russian Culture: Aspects of Cross-Cultural Communications”. In Earth, Man, and Culture: Proceedings of the Conference. The Modern English Society of Korea, 2006. P. 253–262.

  43. “Literature as a Factor of Intercultural Dialogue: Social, Educational, Aesthetic Aspects”. In Contemporary Cultural Studies and Problems of Education. Tyumen: Tyumen State University Press, 2006. P. 8–14.

  44. “Tradition in Aesthetic System of Anglo-American Modernism”. In XIX Purishev Conference: Transitional Epochs in World Literature and Culture: Proceedings. Moscow: MPSU, 2007. P. 248–249.

  45. “T.S. Eliot's Concept of Tradition in the 20th Century Aesthetic Context”. In Perm University Herald. Ser. "Foreign Languages and Literatures". 2007. No. 2 (7). P. 37–56.

  46. “T.S. Eliot and Russian Culture”. In: Modern Studies in English Language and Literature (The Modern English Society of Korea). Vol. 51, No. 1 (Feb. 2007). P. 423–436.

  47. “Number Codes for T.S. Eliot's Poetry”. In: The Best Qualification Papers of 2006 (A Collection of the Best Graduate Papers). Vol. 1. Humanities. Tyumen: Tyumen University Press, 2007. P. 23-31. (Co-author: E.V. Golubkova, a graduate).

  48. “Talk to Dante in T.S. Eliot's ‘Little Gidding’”. In: Word in Cultural Context. Ivanovo: Ivanovo University Press, 2007. P. 18-29.

  49. “Dance as an Aesthetic Category in T.S. Eliot's Criticism and Poetry”. In World Literature in the Context of Culture. Perm: Perm University Press, 2007. P. 159–163.

  50. “Christian Motifs in W.H. Auden's ‘It was an Easter’”. In: World Literature in the Context of Culture. Perm: Perm University Press, 2007. P. 217–221 (Co-author: T. Ovchinnikova).

  51. “Image of Paradise in A. Byatt's ‘Possession’”. In: World Literature in the Context of Culture. Perm: Perm University Press, 2007. P. 240–244 (Co-author: E. Turta).

  52. “Russian Contexts for Development of High Modernism Aesthetics”. In: Interaction of National Cultures: Literature and Linguistics (Problems of Studies and Teaching. Ekaterinburg, 2007. P. 116–123.

  53. History of Foreign Literature: Teaching Materials for Students of Journalism. Tyumen: Tyumen University Press, 2007. 244 p. (Co-authors: Danilina G., Klimenko E., Lipskaya L., Shveibelman N.).

  54. “From Nijinskiy to Trotskiy: Russian Perspectives in T.S. Eliot's Work”. In: XX Purishev Conference: Russia in Aesthetic Thought of the West. Moscow, MPSU, 2008. P. 153–154.

  55. “The Concept of European Culture in Vladimir Veidle's Works”. In France – Russia: Problems of Cultural Diffusions: Collection of Essays. Vol. 2. Tyumen: Pechatnik, 2008. P. 164–170.

  56. “Russian Context of High Modernism. T.S. Eliot and Russian Culture”. In The Second International Symposium "Russian Literature in the World Cultural Context": Selected Papers and Abstracts. Moscow: Dostoevsky's Fund, 2008. P. 499–500.

  57. “Persephone Myth in A. Byatt's ‘Babel Tower’”. In World Literature in the Context of Culture. Perm: Perm University Press, 2008. P. 188–191 (Co-author: E. Turta).

  58. “Dance as an Aesthetic Category and Poetic Image in T.S. Eliot's Works”. In XXI Purishev Conference: Literature in Correlation to Arts: Proceedings. Moscow: MPSU, 2009. P. 222.

  59. “The Unity of European Culture as T.S. Eliot's ‘European Idea’”. In Perm University Herald. Series "Russian and Foreign Philology". 2009. No. 2. P. 62–69.

  60. “Life and Works of Briony Tallis (Notes in the Margin of I. McEwan's ‘Atonement’)”. In Philological Discourse: Journal of the Philological Department of Tyumen University. Vol. 7. Tyumen: Tyumen University Press, 2009. P. 103–109 (Co-author: N. Shveibelman).

  61. “On Some Trends of Contemporary T.S. Eliot Studies: Discussion on Anti-Semitism”. In Perm University Herald. Series "Russian and Foreign Philology". 2009. No. 5. P. 67–73.

  62. “Russian Ballet in the Mirror of English Literature”. In Boundary Processes in Literature and Culture. Perm: Perm UP, 2009. P. 297–300.

  63. “Melusine Myth in A.M. Remizov's ‘Melusine’ and A. Byatt's ‘Possession’”. In Boundary Processes in Literature and Culture. Perm: Perm UP, 2009. P. 53–55 (Co-author: E. Turta).

  64. “’Archaeology’ of Culture as an Aesthetic and Poetic Concept in W.H. Auden's Works”. In The Best Qualification Papers of 2008 (A Collection of the Best Graduate Papers). Vol. 4. Humanities. Tyumen: Tyumen UP, 2009. P. 27-38. (Co-author: T.A. Ovchinnikova, a graduate).

  65. “Restoration of the Ancient and Medieval Genre Models in T.S. Eliot's Plays”. In XXII Purishev Conference: History of Ideas in History of Genres: Proceedings. Moscow: MPSU, 2010. P. 227–228.

  66. “Modernism: On the Limits of the Term”. In Perm University Herald. Series "Russian and Foreign Philology". 2010. No. 6. P. 109–114.

  67. “T.S. Eliot as an Editor: Russia and Russian Culture at The Criterion”. In Interpretation of History in American Culture. Proceeding of the XXXIV International Conference Organized by the Russian Society of American Culture Studies. December 12-17, 2008. Moscow: Moscow State University, 2011. P. 295-302.

  68. “’Gerontion’ – A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man”. In Orthodox Svyato-Tikhonovsky Classical University Herald. Series. ”Philology”. 2011. No. 1 (23). P. 115–123.

  69. “T.S. Eliot as an Author and Editor of Literary Journals”. In Orthodox Svyato-Tikhonovsky Classical University Herald. Series. “Philology”. 2011. No. 1 (23). P. 145–150.

  70. “T.S. Eliot. Turgenev (translation into Russian)”. In Orthodox Svyato-Tikhonovsky Classical University Herald. Series. “Philology”. 2011. No. 1 (23). P.151–153.

  71. “T.S. Eliot. A Commentary (translation into Russian)”. In Orthodox Svyato-Tikhonovsky Classical University Herald. Series. “Philology”. 2011. No. 1 (23). P. 153–158.

  72. “Who's Afraid of T.S. Eliot? Modernism and Censorship in the Soviet Union”. In Censorship across Borders: The Reception of English Literature in Twentieth-Century Europe. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011. P. 83–92.

  73. “T.S. Eliot. Turgenev (translation into Russian)”. In In memoriam. Georgiy Konstantinovich Kosikov: Materials on the Career and Works. Recollections. Moscow, 2011. P. 106–110.

  74. “T.S. Eliot. A Commentary (translation into Russian)”. In In memoriam. Georgiy Konstantinovich Kosikov: Materials on the Career and Works. Recollections. Moscow, 2011. С. 110–118.

  75. “Les contacts anglais des émigrés russes. Paris, un carrefour des cultures”. In Figures de l’émigré russe en France au XIXe et XXe siècle. Fiction et réalité. Rodopi. Amsterdam/New York, NY 2012. P. 467–475 (in French).

  76. “On the Translations of Igor Poluyakhtov”. T.S. Eliot. Poetry and Drama. Moscow, 2012. P. 13–15 (in Russian).

  77. “Russia and Russian Culture in The Criterion, 1922-1939”. In A People Passing Rude: British Responses To Russian Culture, ed. by Anthony Cross. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2012. P. 231—240 (in English).

  78. “Russian Literature in The Criterion, 1922-1939 In The Third International Symposium "Russian Literature in the World Cultural Context": Selected Papers and Abstracts. Moscow: Dostoevsky's Fund, 2012. P. 543(in Russian).

  79. “T.S. Eliot and Russian Culture: Paris Intersections”. In Time Present. The Newsletter of the T.S. Eliot Society. Summer 2012. Number 77. P. 13 (in English).

  80. “Mythology and Metaphysics of the War in T.S. Eliot’ Poetry”. In Literature and War: the XXth Century: Collection of Essays Dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of L.G. Andreev. Moscow, 2013. P. 163–173(in Russian).

  81. “The Images of Russian Ballet in Hilda Doolittle's Poetry”. In The Topical Problems of Foreign Languages and Literatures’ Studies: In 2 vols. Vol.1. Perm, 2013. P. 9—13 (Co-author: О.V. Аnufrienko) (in Russian).

  82. “F.M. Dostoevsky and T.S. Eliot: The Ways of Representation and Paradoxes of Interpretation”. In Journal of Literature Studies (Literaturovedcheskiy Journal). 2014. No 34. P. 35–49(in Russian).

  83. “Anglo-Russian Parallels in D.S. Mirsky's ‘History of Russian Literature’”. In The Orthodox Roots of Russian Culture and Literature: Collection of Critical Essays after the Materials of the 36th International Conference. Tyumen: Tyumen State University Press, 2014. P. 304-306 (in Russian).

  84. “The Biblical Archetypes in Hope Mirrlees’s Works. In The Best Qualification Papers of 2013 (A Collection of the Best Graduate Papers): In 3 Vols. Vol. 3. Humanities. Tyumen: Tyumen UP, 2015. P. 32-37. (Co-author: E.V. Ursova, a graduate) (in Russian).

  85. “The Poetics of Repast in Literature and Cinema: From Victorian Age to Modernism”. In Vestnik of the Tyumen State University. Humanities. 2015. Vol. 1. № 2 (2). P. 60-69. (Co-authors: N.V. Gorbunova, L.I. Lipskaya) (in Russian).

  86.  “’Meurtre dans la Cathédrale’ de T. S. Eliot, un mystère modern”. In Renaissances du Mystère en Europe, fin XIX-début XXI siècle. Strasbourg: Fondation PUS, collection «Configurations Littéraires», 2015. P. 176-183 (in French).

  87. “On the Conception of the Course ‘The Reception of Russian Literature Abroad’”. In Russian Language and Literature in the Contemporary Cultural Contexts”: Proceedings of the International Conference. Tyumen, 2015. P. 78 (in Russian).

  88. “Food Codes in Victorian and Modernist Novels (George Eliot, D.H. Lawrence)”. In Perm University Herald. Series "Russian and Foreign Philology". 2015. No. 4. P. 198–109. (Co-author: N.V. Gorbunova) (in Russian).

  89. “’A word which is not mine’: T. S. Eliot’s The Wasteland and Akhmatova’s Poem without a Hero”. In Anna Akhmatova et la poésie européenne. Series: Nouvelle poétique comparatiste / New Comparative Poetics – Vol.36. Bruxelles, Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2016. P. 61-78 (in English).

  90. “A Russian Nihilist as a Hero of English Literature of the 19th- 21st Centuries”. In Perm University Herald. Series "Russian and Foreign Philology". 2016. No. 1. P. 106-117(in Russian).

  91. “T.S. Eliot as an Ideological Casus”. In: Literature and Ideology. XX Century. Issue 3. Moscow: MAKS PRESS, 2016. P. 258-266 (in Russian).

  92. “A Dandy, Bully and Mystic: The School of Poetic Play in T.S. Eliot’s ‘Inventions of March Hare’”. In Literature of the Americas: Journal of Literary History. 2016. No. 1. P. 50-79 (in Russian).

  93. Masks and Soul: Shakespearean Images in T.S. Eliot’s Poetry. Literature of the Americas, no. 15, 2023, pp. 42–69. (In Russ.)

  94. Rituals of Spring in Hope Mirrlees’s Paris and T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land. Literature of the Americas, no. 13, 2022, pp. 9–60. (In Russ.)

  95. Alexander Blok’s Motifs in T.S. Eliot’s ‘The Waste Land’. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, vol. 14, issue 4, 2022, pp. 115–125. (In Russ.)

  96. Wagnerian Contexts and Wagner’s Codes of T.S. Eliot’s Poetry, 1910–20s. Literature of the Americas, no. 10, 2021, pp. 266–309. (In Russ.)