St.-Petersburg State University
PhD., Associate Professor, Principal Lecturer in Literary History at the Faculty of Philology, St.-Petersburg State University.
Contact info:
Tel.: +7 911 029 61 19
+7 812 466 7176;
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PhD thesis:
Time and Space in Cervantes’ “Don Quixot” (Leningrad State University, 1985)
Field of study:
Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish literature if the Golden age (XVII century), Latin American novel, historical poetics of genres, theory of novel
Education and teaching experience:
1979 – B.A. and M.A. from the Philological Faculty of Leningrad State University
1985 – graduate studies at the Philological Faculty of Leningrad State University, PhD thesis
1981-present – Professor at the Dept of Foreign Literature of the Philological faculty, St.-Petersburg State University
2008 – Fellowship at Salamanca University (Spain)
Courses taught:
History of the Western Literature (Middle Ages and Renaissance), History of the Medieval Western Literature, European Literary History of Renaissance and the XVIIth century, Genre Typology, Historical Poetics of Genres, Reception of Russian Literature Abroad, Traditions of Antiquity in European Medieval Literature, etc.
Professional Membership:
Secretary of the Scholarly Counsel Commission for a Comprehensive Study of Culture of Iberian Peninsula and Latin America, Russian Academy of Sciences
Member of the Organizational Committee for the Annual Cervantes Readings (Leningrad0St.-Petersburg)
Member of the Russian Association for Hispanic Studies
1991-2007 member of the Internatioinal Association of Cervantists (Asociaciòn Internacional de Cervantistas)
Member of the European Association of Latin American Studies
Selected bibliography:
- Sobre el héroe geminado en Tolstói y Cervantes. Acta Poetica. Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2016.
- Movimiento y camino como aspectos del tiempo y espacio artístico en el Quijote. Temas y formas hispánicas: arte, cultura y sociedad. Pamplona [Biblioteca Áurea Digital, BIADIG, 28], 2015.
- “Looking for a Father: from Jorge Manrique to Juan Rulfo” In Latinskaya Amerika, 2013:5 (with K. Timofeeva).
- “Cervantes’ Eight Comedies and Eight Interludes” In Cervantes M. Eight Comedies and Eight Interludes. St.-Petersburg: Nauka Publ., 2011, pp. 1119 – 1173.
- “Historico-Literary Concept of A.N. Veselovsky’s Lectures” In Alexander Veselovsky’s Legacy. Current Problems of Study. St.-Petersburg: Nauka Publ., 2011.
- “Two Spanish Translations of Gogol’s Diary of a Madman: Advantages and Losses in Different Translation Strategies” In Proceedings of an International Conferences Dedicated to Nikolay Gogol’s 200th Anniversary, 2011
- “Two Spanish Translations of Leo Tolstoy’s The Keutzer Sonate” In Leo Tolstoy and the World Literature. Proceedings of the VIth International Conference, Aug 11-15, 2008. Tula: Yasnaya Polyana Publ., 2008.
- “Cervantes’ Interludes as Theory of Drama” In Iberika. 400th Anniversary of Cervantes’ “Don Quixot”. St.-Petersburg, 2005
- “Human Will and the Will of History in Calderon’s Drama La vida es sueño”. In Artistic Mind and Reality. A Collection of Critical Essays in Memoriam B. Reizov. St-Petersburg, 2004
- “The Dutchess and the Cretan Old Man: Dante Motif in Don Quixot” In Dante Readings. Moscow: Nauka Publ., 2002
- “Utopian Festivity in Cervantes’ Don Quixot”. In Iberica Americans, ed. V. Zemskov. Moscow” Nauka Publ., 2002.
- “Spanish Literature of the Golden Age and Jorge Luis Borges”. In Latinskaya Amerika 2001: 10.
- “Entremeses de Cervantes como teorìa estètica”. Actas del II Congreso de Hispanistas Rusia. Madrid: Ministerio de asuntos exteriores, 2000.
- “Vladimir Nabokov on Don Quixot”. In Moscow State University Bulletin, 1998: 3.
- ”Cervantes’ Don Quixot”. In Voprosy Poetiki. St.-Petersburg: St-Petersburg State University Press, 1996.
- “Spanish Romancero in Russian Translations” In 100 Years of Versification Studies in Russia: Achievements and Perspectives. Proceedings of International Conference, Nov 25-27, 2010. St.-Petersburg, 2010 (with E. Khvorostianova)