Irina Golovacheva

St.-Petersburg State University

Contact info:

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phone: +7-905-2367945



Education and degrees

2009 Habilitation thesis Literature and Science in the Oeuvre of Aldous Huxley (St. Petersburg State University)

1987 PhD thesis The Poetics of the Experimental Prose of Henry James (1896 - 1901). (Leningrad State University)

2001 Fulbright Summer Institute. Louisiana State University. “Regional Diversity: The South, the Southwest, and New England.”

1997 Amsterdam Summer University. “The Value of Culture”.

1980 English Studies course at Manchester University.

1978 - 1981 B.A. and M.A. in Philology (The English Language and Literature) from St. Petersburg (Leningrad) State University

1975 - 1978 Associate in Pedagogics (Second Language Teaching Methods) from St. Petersburg (Leningrad) State Pedagogical University.



Academic positions:


2010 to date professor at Philological Faculty of St. Petersburg State University.

1994 - 2010 Associate professor at Philological Faculty of St. Petersburg State University

1989 - 1994 Associate professor at the Humanities Department of St. Petersburg

State Polytechnical University.

1987 - 1989 Associate professor and Chair of the English Department at Leningrad Politechnical Institute (now St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University.)

1981 - 1983 Assistant professor at the Foreign Languages Department of Leningrad Polytechnical Institute (now St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University.)

Courses taught:

American Literature, Theory and History of the Fantastic, Translation of Fiction, Popular Culture).


Field of study:

American Literature, British Literature, the fantastic, the Gothic, utopia, science fiction, literature and science, mass culture, mathematical methods in literary criticism


Fellowships and grants:


2016 Travel grant of Philological Faculty of St. Petersburg State University for Seventh annual conference of the Association for Research in the Fantastic, “The Fantastic Now: Research in the Fantastic on the 21st century.” Münster, Germany. 22-24 September

2015-2016 Research grant of Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation: “Russian Canon: pro and contra.”

2014 Travel grant of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences at St. Petersburg State University for IJAS international conference for academic disciplines. October-November. American University at Rome (Italy) Paper “The Challenges of Differential Equations: What Issues of Literary Analysis Can They Clarify?” 

2014 Travel grant of Philological Faculty of St. Petersburg State University for The 60th EAAS Conference “America: Justice, Conflict, War.” The Hague (the Netherlands)

2012-2014 Research grant of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences of St. Petersburg State University (“Mathematical Modelling of Love Plots in Canon Fiction”)

2004 Fletcher Jones Foundation Fellow The Huntington Library (Pasadena, CA)

2003 Fulbright research scholarship. The University of Nebraska – Lincoln.


Professional membership:

European Association for American Studies

Aldous Huxley Society

Utopian Studies Society (Europe)


Professional expertise:

Thesis expert for PhD and Habilitation Dissertations defended at Moscow State University, Institute of World Literature (Moscow) and Russian State University for the Humanities.

Expert for Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation

Reviewer, Vestnik SPBU. Series 9.

Member of the editorial board, Literature of the Americas (“Literatura dvuh Amerik,” Institute of World Literature(IMLI, Moscow)


Selected bibliography:


  • Fantastika i fantasticheskoje: poetika i pragmatika anglo-americamskoj fantasticheskoj literatury. St. Petersburg: Petropolis, 2014. 419 p.. 2nd edition. (Fantastika and the fantastic: Poetics and Pragmatics of Anglo-American Speculative Fiction)
  • Fantastika i fantasticheskoje: poetika i pragmatika anglo-americamskoj fantasticheskoj literatury. St. Petersburg: Petropolis, 2013. 419 p.. ISBN 978-5-9676-0554-3


Reviewed in refereed journals:


Chapters in books:

  • “Misunderstanding of Utopia and Utopia of Misunderstanding: Aldous Huxley and Psychology” in Understanding/ Misunderstanding. Contributions to the study of the hermeneutics of signs. Acta Semiotica Fennica. Ed. Eero Tarasti Helsinki: International Semiotics Institute, 2003: 219-229.
  • “Theories of the Mind and Psychotherapy in the Works of Aldous Huxley” in Aldous Huxley, Man of Letters: Thinker, Critic and Artist. Ed. Bernfried Nugel, Uwe Rasch and Gerhard Wagner. Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2007: 123-139.
  • “Dveri vosprijatija” in Kult kak fenomen literaturnogo processa: avtor, text, chitatel. Ed. Maria Nadjarnych and Alexandra Urakova. Moskva: Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences Press, 2011: 193-211. (Chapter on Aldous Huxley’s works on psychedelics in the book on cult studies.)


Selected articles in refereed journals:



  • Russian translations of Aldous Huxley's Literature and Science. Moscow: AST Publ., 2015 and Brave New World Revisited. Moscow: AST Publ., 2012.
  • Translations of the librettos of Benjamin Britten's operas The Turn of the Screw and Death in Venice.
  • “What Is Harvey, The Rabbit? Pretexts and Contexts of the Comedy by Mary Chase”. In Literature of the Americas: Journal of Literary History. 2016. No. 1. P. 120-138 (in Russian).