Lomonosov Moscow State University

PhD, Leading research fellow

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PhD thesis:

Alejo Carpentier's "Second Latin American Cycle" (70-ies)

Research interests:

Study of the peculiarities of the history of Latin American literature (Latin American literary works, problems of periodization, peculiarities of poetics and genre originality, the interaction of Latin American and World literature)

Teaching experience:

Lecture Courses: History of foreign literature of the XIX century; History of foreign literature of the XXth century.

Special courses: Introduction to Portuguese literature; Spanish picaresque novel; From the Golden Age to Romanticism; Spanish romanticism; Latin American literature of the XVI-XIX centuries; Portuguese romanticism; Romanticism in the Portuguese-speaking countries; Civilization and Barbarism in Latin American prose of the XIX-XX centuries; Latin American literature of the XIX-XX centuries; Magical realism in Latin American prose of the 20th century; Manifestos of the "New Latin American novel"

Selected bibliography:


  1. Alejo Carpentier and Julio Cortázar: Playing Seriously. Literature of the Americas, no. 17, 2024, pp. 260–269. (In Russ.)
  2. Breaking a Vow: Gothic Plot in Portuguese Literature of the 1st Half of the 19th Century Literaturovedcheskii zhurnal, no. 3 (65), 2024, pp. 74–86. (In Russ.)
  3. J.M. Ferreira de Castro and the Green Hell of Amazonia: On the Origins of the Literary Tradition. Literature of the Americas, no. 14, 2023, pp. 100–118. (In Russ.)
  4. Portuguese Neorealism as a Museum Heritage and a Living Tradition. Bulletin of Cultural Studies, no. 4 (107), 2023, pp. 112–133. (In Russ.)
  5. In Search of Identity: A Slave, a Half-Blood, a Senhora. Literature of the Americas, no. 9, 2020, pp. 261–282. (In Russ.)
  6. Portuguese Neorealism: The Limits of the Phenomenon. Moscow State University Bulletin. Series 9. Philology, no. 5, 2019, pp. 94–105. (In Russ.)
  7. Realism as the Anatomy of Character: Eça de Queirós’s “Cousin Basilio”. Stephanos 31:5 (2018): 37-43.
  8. Following the Parallel Course: “The Rite of Spring” by Alejo Carpentier and “the Novel of the Cuban Revolution”. In Literature and Revolution. XX Century. Issue 4. Ed. by O. Panova, V. Popova, V. Tolmatchoff. Moscow: Litfact Publ., 2018: 463–478.
  9. The Age of Revolutions through the Prism of Art. On the History of Creation of the Novel “The Rite of Spring” by Alejo Carpentier. Literature of the Americas 3 (2017): 363–391.
  10. Latin American Romantics and their European Idols. Borrowings, Imitations, Masks. In Issues of Iberian Romance Philology 16 (2017): 102–111.
  11. Brave Old World Through the Eyes of the Creators of the "New Latin American Novel". Herald of the University of the Russian Academy of Education 5 (2016): 84–97.
  12. C. Castelo Branco: a Fiction Illustration to the "Coimbra Question". In Issues of Iberian Romance Philology. 15 (2016): 113–123.
  13. New Latin American Novel at the Turn of the Millenium. Herald of the University of the Russian Academy of Education 3 (2015): 97–100.
  14. Octavio Paz and Alejo Carpentier: Rapprochement of Remote Realities. In Issues of Iberian Romance Philology. 14 (2015): 31–39.
  15. José Martí and Alejo Carpentier: Consonances in Cuban Literature. Latin America 7 (2013): 94–98.
  16. Echo of the Remote Battles in J.L. Borges's Work. In Literature and War. XX Century. Ed. by O. Panova, V. Tolmatchoff. Moscow: MAKS Press, 2013: 100–107.
  17. Baroque Concert by Alejo Carpentier as a Story about the Plots. In Issues of Iberian Romance Philology 10 (2011): 117–125.