
Saint-Petersburg State University

PhD, Associate Professor

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PhD thesis:

Literal and Critical Theory of T.S. Eliot and its Aesthetic Implementation in The Waste Land

Research interests:

  • American Literary History
  • British Literary History
  • Modern Russian literature
  • T.S. Eliot's work
  • H. Miller's work

Lecture Courses:

XIX century literature: Western Europe and the USA; Creative Writing; European and American Literary Modernism

Selected bibliography:


  1. On the way towards canon-formation: The case of T.S. Eliot. World Literature Studies, no. 1, vol II, 2019, pp. 42–49.
  2. On American Origins of a Russian Tragedy (Roman Senchin and Tennessee Williams). Text and Tradition. Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin’s House), vol. 8. Saint Petersburg, Rostok, 2020, pp. 192–202. (In Russ.)
  3. Myth and Artistic Imagination in John Updike’s “The Centaur”. Journal of Integrative Cultural Studies, vol. 2, no. 1, 2020, pp. 6–12. (In Russ.)
  4. Archaic Ritual in Mikhail Elizarov’s Work (Based on the Story “We went out to smoke for 17 years...”. Text and Tradition, no. 10. Saint Petersburg, Rostok, 2022, pp. 153–173. (In Russ.)
  5. “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” by Ambrose Bierce and “Perfection” by Vladimir Nabokov. Territoriia slovesnosti: Sbornik v chest’ 70-letiia professora I. N. Sukhikh, ed. A.D. Stepanov. Saint Petersburg, Nestor-Istoriia Publ., 2022, pp. 189–208. (In Russ.)
  6. The Bridge and Narrativization of Vision: Ambrose Bierce and Vladimir Nabokov. Arts, no. 11 (5), 2022, p. 89.
  7. Russian Rhizome of American Modernism: Concerning the Problem of Henry Miller’s Anarchism. Literature of the Americas 4 (2018): 163-183. (with O. Voytsekhovskaya)
  8. The First Russian Biography of Henry Miller.  Literature of the Americas 4 (2018): 292-296.
  9. A Woman in James Joyce's and Henry Miller's Texts: Game and Myth. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research: 45-th International Philological Conference. 122 (2016): 157-160.
  10. Andrey Ivanov — literary heir of Henry Miller. Philological Studies 6 (2015): 49-61.
  11. Oscar Wilde and his Novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray". In Wilde O. The Picture of Dorian Gray. Saint-Petersburg, 2015: 289-322.
  12. William Golding: Playing with the Ancient Tragedy (on the Novel "Lord of the Flies"). Text and Tradition. St.-Petersburg, 2014: 245-265.
  13. Madness and Surrealistic Imagery in Henry Miller's "Black Spring". "The Inexpressible Expressible": Ekphrasis and the Problems of Representaion of the Visual in the Literary Text. Мoscow: NLO, 2013: 533-543.
  14. Representation of Childhood: Henry Miller Re-reads Marcel Proust and Mark Twain. Vestnik St. Petersburg University. Ser. 9. 3 (2013): 3-8.
  15. Russian Kerouac in Estonia: Andrei Ivanov’s Prose. Culture of Russian Expatriate Community 1990–2010. Proceedings of the international scientific conference. Ed. by A.L.Khlobystin. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State Univ., Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences Publ., 2013: 145–149. (In Russ.)
  16. Henry Miller and Henri Bergson. In Mapping American Literature and Culture, ed. by O. Antsyferova. Ivanovo: Ivanovo State University, 2012: 152-160.
  17. Henry Miller and Walt Whitman.Vestnik St. Petersburg University. Ser.9. 1 (2012): 9-12.
  18. Life as a Creative Evolution: on the Influence of Henri Bergson`s Doctrine on Henry Miller. Vestnik St. Petersburg University. Ser. 9. 4 (2012): 3–9.
  19. "Gerontion" in the Context of Religious Ethics of T.S. Eliot. St.Tikhon's University Review 23:1 (2011): 96-107.
  20. The Image of Russia in T.S. Eliot's Essays. Toward the History of Ideas in the West: "Russian Idea". St.Petersburg, 2010: 479-495.
  21. Henry Miller and Henry Thoreau. In Faces and Facets of the XXth Century. Moscow, 2009: 340-356.
  22. The Second World War in the American and Russain Prose of Postmodern Tradition. Russian-Americans Links: Similar Issues — Different Versions. Ed. by Yuri P.Tretyakov, Natalia A.Alexandrovna. Academic Project St.Petersburg, 2007: 402—436. (with D.Ioffe)


  1. Chaos and Symmetry. From Oscar Wilde to Present Days. Moscow, AST, 2020. (In Russ.)
  2. And not Only Salinger: Ten Essays in Reading English and American Literature. Moscow, AST, 2015. (In Russ.)
  3. Henry Miller and the Parisian Trilogy. Мoscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2010.
  4. The Phenomenology of Text: Play and Repression. Мoscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2007.
  5. T.S.Eliot and his Poem "The Waste Land". Saint-Petersburg, 2000.


1. Autumn in Pockets. Мoscow: AST Publ., 2015 [French edition, 2016].

2. Skunskamera. Мoscow: Ad Marginem, 2010 [Italian edition, 2016].

3. People in the Nude. Мoscow: Ad Marginem, 2009 [transl. into Finnish, 2010; Hungarian, 2012; Italian, 2015; Czech, 2016; French, 2017].