A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences

PhD, Senior research fellow

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Contact info:

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Research Interests:

  • American literary history
  • American-Russian/Soviet and Latin American-Soviet literary and cultural contacts
  • American-European literary and cultural contacts
  • ХХth century Latin American literary history

Selected bibliography:


  1. Nicanor Parra — Guest of the USSR and Translator of Russian Poetry. Literature of Americas, no. 17, 2024, pp. 270–292. (In Russ.)
  2. Cultural Diplomacy: César Vallejo Evening at IWL RAS. Literature of the Americas, no. 17, 2024, pp. 400–411. (In Russ.)
  3. Pablo Neruda and the USSR (Based on the Documents of the Foreign Commission of the Union of Soviet Writers). New Russian Humanitarian Research. On-line Journal of IWL RAS. Issue 19, 2024. (In Russ.)
  4. "El escritor no tiene quien le escriba": la correspondencia soviética de César Vallejo Literature of the Americas 13 (2022): 248-281. 
  5. The Aesthetics of Communism: Contemporary Readings. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie 176 (2022): 412-425.
  6. In Search of “Our America”: Two Trips of Waldo Frank to Argentina (1929, 1942)  Literature of the Americas 6 (2019): 265-308. 
  7. “South of Us”: Waldo Frank and José Carlos Mariátegui. Literature of the Americas 6 (2019): 24-53.
  8. The Age-Old “Drama of a Great People”: “Virgin Spain” by Waldo Frank. The New Philological Bulletin 2 (2018): 261–271. (in Russ.) (WoS)
  9. A New Discovery of “Our America”: the Cultural Utopia of Waldo Frank in the Context of Early American Modernism. Scientific Dialogue 7 (2018): 201-212. (WoS)
  10. Reflections on Foot of the Kremlin on the Russian Revolution: César Vallejo and the USSR. Literature of the Americas 3 (2017): 67-89. (in Russ.)
  11. Henri Barbusse’s Trip to Latin America: Unrealized Project. Literature of the Americas 1 (2016): 167-193. (in Russ.)
  12. Waldo Frank and the USSR. 2017. Literature of the Americas 3 (2017): 145-161. (in Russ.)
  13. "Dawn in Russia" by W. Frank: Soviet Union in the Eyes of the American Traveler. Southern Federal University Bulletin 2 (2017): 18-25. (in Russ.)
  14. Revolutionary Writer's Part in a New Society: Waldo Frank at the Writers Congresses in 1935. Litera 2 (2018): 45-50. 


Literature and Revolution. XX Century. Ed. by O. Panova, V. Popova, V. Tolmatchoff. Moscow: Litfact Publ., 2018. Issue 4. 544 p.

Grants and Fellowships:

January-June 2013

University of the Basque County  (Universidad del País Vasco – Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea), Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

July 2014

Barcelona University (Universitat de Barcelona)

July-August 2012

Instituto Hemingway (Bilbao, Spain).