A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Lead research fellow
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Doctor Hab. of Philology, professor
Contact info:
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PhD thesis:
Ralph Ellison and the Blackamerican Literature of the 1950-80-ies
Habilitation thesis:
Blackamerican Letters of the XVII-early XXth Century: Problems of Literary History and Its Interpretation
Research interests:
- American-Russian/Soviet literary and cultural contacts
- American-European literary and cultural contacts
- African-American studies
- American Modernism
- American Literary History
Selected bibliography:
In "Literature of the Americas":
- “A Philistine Writer Whining in a Swamp”: Soviet Readers’ First Acquaintance with Ernest Hemingway. Literature of the Americas, no. 16 (2024): 50–74. (In Russ.)
- Ralph Ellison: The Writer’s Life in Letters. LoA 8 (2020): 478–488. (In Russ.)
- Exotic Visitor: Claude McKay in the Soviet Union. LoA 6 (2019): 220-256. (in Russ.)
- Ralph Ellison and Ellison Studies in the West and in Russia. LoA 5 (2018): 10–26.(in Russ.)
- Phillis Wheatley in American Literary History and African American Literary Criticism. LoA 4 (2018): 8–40. (in Russ.)
- Ralph Ellison at Oxford. LoA 4 (2018): 332–340. (in Russ.)
- Richard Wright’s Might-Have-Been Travel to the USSR. LoA 3 (2017): 176–228. (in Russ.)
- The Womanly Face of Revolution: Julia Mickenberg on American Girls in Soviet Russia. LoA 3 (2017): 491–499. (in Russ.)
- Pearl S. Buck and the USSR. LoA 2 (2017): 43–78. (in Russ.)
- “History of American Literature” and the Soviet Academy of Sciences. Article 2. LoA 2 (2017): 252–372. (in Russ.) (with S. Panov)
- American Literary History and the Soviet Academy of Sciences. Article 1. LoA 1 (2016): 194–242.(in Russ.) (with S. Panov)
- Between the Real and the Fictive: Soviet Readers of the 1930s on Theodore Dreiser’s Novels. The New Philological Bulletin, no. 4, 2024, pp. 249–258. (In Russ.)
- “Red Gold” by Upton Sinclair and Piotr Pavlenko: Unwritten SovietAmerican Novel. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Studies in Literature and Language. Vol. 83, no. 3, 2024, pp. 33–44. (In Russ.)
- An Obtrusive Guest: Albert E. Kahn in the USSR. New Russian Humanitarian Research. On-line Journal of IWL RAS. Issue 19, 2024. (In Russ.)
- The Harlem Renaissance and the “Ancestral Legacy”: Alain Locke on African Art and Modernism. Literature and Arts. XX Century. Ed. by O. Panova, V. Popova, V. Tolmatchoff. Moscow: Litfact Publ., 2020: 310–333.
- The First Encounter: “Negro American Literature” in the Soviet Literary Criticism of the 1920s. Studia Litterarum 4:4 (2019): 98–125. (In Russ.) (WoS, Scopus)
- “The Confessions of Nat Turner”: the Origins and the Place of the Enigmatic Text in the American Literary Tradition. The New Philological Bulletin 2 (2019): 279-289. (in Russ.) (WoS)
- “Breaking Heart to the Time of Laughter”: Sentimental and Comic Image of the Blacks in American Literature and Culture of the 18th – the Beginning of the 20th Century. Izv. Saratov Univ., Ser. Philology. Journalism 18:3 (2018): 286–291. (in Russ.)
- American Writers at the October Revolution Celebrations, 1927. The New Philological Bulletin 3 (2018): 174–184. (with S. Panov) (in Russ.) (WoS)
- Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe: African American Responses. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology 10:2 (2018): 111–121. (In Russ.)
- “Born by the Revolution”: African American Literary Theory and the Legacy of the 1960-ies. In Literature and Revolution. XX Century. Issue 4. Ed. by O. Panova, V. Popova, V. Tolmatchoff. Moscow: Litfact Publ., 2018: 315–330.
- "American Studies in Russia. Literature of the Americas: a New Scholarly Journal of the History of the New World." Association of Women in Slavic Studies 4:2 (2017).
- The Idols of the Mauve Decade: Poe, Baudelaire, and the American Bohemia of the 1890s. In Poe, Baudelaire, Dostoevsky: Splendors and Miseries of National Genius. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie Publ., 2017: 330–345. (in Russ.)
- Classics as an Ideological Weapon: Two Pushkin 1937 Celebrations in the USA. In Literature and Ideology. XX Century. Issue 3. Ed. by O. Panova, V. Tolmatchoff. Moscow: MAKS Press, 2016: 43–54. (in Russ.)
- “Dreiser Looks at Russia”: T. Dreiser’s Book on the USSR. Herald of the University of the Russian Academy of Education 4 (2015): 61–67. (with S. Panov) (In Russ.)
- An Afterword for a Foreword: Materials on (Non)publishing Dreiser’s Works in the USSR. New Russian humanitarian research. On-line journal of IWL RAS 10 (2015). (In Russ.)
- A Skeptical Pilgrim: Theodore Dreiser and the Russian Orthodox Church In 1927. Bulletin of St. Tikhon University for the Humanities. Series II. History. History of the Russian Orthodox Church 66:5 (2015): 90–114. (In Russ.)
- On the Beginnings of the African American Literary Tradition: Criminal Confessions of the 18th Century and the Making of Black American Autobiography. Bulletin of the Moscow Region State University. Russian Philology 1 (2014): 101–106. (In Russ.)
- Image of the Black Race in American Literature and Culture at the Turn of the 19th –20th Centuries. The Humanities and Social Sciences 74:1 (2014): 78–81. (In Russ.)
- Theodore Dreiser and the Soviet Union. Notes on the Topic. New Russian humanitarian research. On-line journal of IWL RAS 9 (2014) (with S. Panov) (In Russ.)
- “A United Stateser”: William Carlos Williams’ Quest For The “American Reality”. RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism 2 (2011): 69–77.
- Harlem Renaissance: Nigger Heaven or Nigger capital? Bulletin of the MSU. Series 9 “Philology” 5 (2008): 102–111.
- African American Writers and the USSR. Literature and Politics. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2024. 688 p. (In Russ.)
- Literature and Arts. XX Century. Eds O. Panova, V. Popova, V. Tolmatchoff. Moscow: Litfact Publ., 2020. Issue 5. 432 p.
- Literature and Revolution. XX Century. Eds O. Panova, V. Popova, V. Tolmatchoff. Moscow: Litfact Publ., 2018. Issue 4. 544 p.
- Literature and Ideology. XX Century. Eds O. Panova, V. Tolmatchoff. Moscow: MAKS Press, 2016. Issue 3. 400 p.
- The Worlds of Color: the Quest for the National Identity in American Literature. Moscow: MSU Publ., 2015.
- Literature and War. XX Century. Eds O. Panova, V. Tolmatchoff. Moscow: MAKS Press, 2013. 332 p.
European American Studies Association (EAAS)
Russian Society for American Culture Studies (RSACS)
Ralph Ellison Society
Salzburg Seminar American Studies Alumni AssociatIon (SSASAA)