A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Lead research fellow

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Doctor Hab. of Philology, professor

orcid web of s 

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PhD thesis:

Ralph Ellison and the Blackamerican Literature of the 1950-80-ies 

Habilitation thesis:

Blackamerican Letters of the XVII-early XXth Century: Problems of Literary History and Its Interpretation 

Research interests:

  • American-Russian/Soviet literary and cultural contacts
  • American-European literary and cultural contacts
  • African-American studies
  • American Modernism
  • American Literary History

Selected bibliography:

In "Literature of the Americas":

  1. “A Philistine Writer Whining in a Swamp”: Soviet Readers’ First Acquaintance with Ernest Hemingway. Literature of the Americas, no. 16 (2024): 50–74. (In Russ.)
  2. Ralph Ellison: The Writer’s Life in Letters. LoA 8 (2020): 478–488. (In Russ.)
  3. Exotic Visitor: Claude McKay in the Soviet Union. LoA 6 (2019): 220-256. (in Russ.)
  4. Ralph Ellison and Ellison Studies in the West and in Russia. LoA 5 (2018): 10–26.(in Russ.)
  5. Phillis Wheatley in American Literary History and African American Literary Criticism. LoA 4 (2018): 8–40. (in Russ.)
  6. Ralph Ellison at Oxford. LoA 4 (2018): 332–340. (in Russ.)
  7. Richard Wright’s Might-Have-Been Travel to the USSR. LoA 3 (2017): 176–228. (in Russ.)
  8. The Womanly Face of Revolution: Julia Mickenberg on American Girls in Soviet Russia. LoA 3 (2017): 491–499. (in Russ.)
  9. Pearl S. Buck and the USSR. LoA 2 (2017): 43–78. (in Russ.)
  10. “History of American Literature” and the Soviet Academy of Sciences. Article 2. LoA 2 (2017): 252–372. (in Russ.) (with S. Panov)
  11. American Literary History and the Soviet Academy of Sciences. Article 1. LoA 1 (2016): 194–242.(in Russ.) (with S. Panov)


  1. Between the Real and the Fictive: Soviet Readers of the 1930s on Theodore Dreiser’s Novels. The New Philological Bulletin, no. 4, 2024, pp. 249–258. (In Russ.)
  2. “Red Gold” by Upton Sinclair and Piotr Pavlenko: Unwritten SovietAmerican Novel. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Studies in Literature and Language. Vol. 83, no. 3, 2024, pp. 33–44. (In Russ.)
  3. An Obtrusive Guest: Albert E. Kahn in the USSR. New Russian Humanitarian Research. On-line Journal of IWL RAS. Issue 19, 2024. (In Russ.)
  4. The Harlem Renaissance and the “Ancestral Legacy”: Alain Locke on African Art and Modernism. Literature and Arts. XX Century. Ed. by O. Panova, V. Popova, V. Tolmatchoff. Moscow: Litfact Publ., 2020: 310–333.
  5. The First Encounter: “Negro American Literature” in the Soviet Literary Criticism of the 1920s. Studia Litterarum 4:4 (2019): 98–125. (In Russ.) (WoS, Scopus)
  6. “The Confessions of Nat Turner”: the Origins and the Place of the Enigmatic Text in the American Literary Tradition. The New Philological Bulletin 2 (2019): 279-289. (in Russ.) (WoS)
  7. “Breaking Heart to the Time of Laughter”: Sentimental and Comic Image of the Blacks in American Literature and Culture of the 18th – the Beginning of the 20th Century. Izv. Saratov Univ., Ser. Philology. Journalism 18:3 (2018): 286–291. (in Russ.)
  8. American Writers at the October Revolution Celebrations, 1927. The New Philological Bulletin 3 (2018): 174–184. (with S. Panov) (in Russ.) (WoS)
  9. Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe: African American Responses. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology 10:2 (2018): 111–121. (In Russ.)
  10.  “Born by the Revolution”: African American Literary Theory and the Legacy of the 1960-ies. In Literature and Revolution. XX Century. Issue 4. Ed. by O. Panova, V. Popova, V. Tolmatchoff. Moscow: Litfact Publ., 2018: 315–330.
  11. "American Studies in Russia. Literature of the Americas: a New Scholarly Journal of the History of the New World." Association of Women in Slavic Studies 4:2 (2017).
  12. The Idols of the Mauve Decade: Poe, Baudelaire, and the American Bohemia of the 1890s. In Poe, Baudelaire, Dostoevsky: Splendors and Miseries of National Genius. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie Publ., 2017: 330–345. (in Russ.)
  13. Classics as an Ideological Weapon: Two Pushkin 1937 Celebrations in the USA. In Literature and Ideology. XX Century. Issue 3. Ed. by O. Panova, V. Tolmatchoff. Moscow: MAKS Press, 2016: 43–54.  (in Russ.)
  14. “Dreiser Looks at Russia”: T. Dreiser’s Book on the USSR. Herald of the University of the Russian Academy of Education 4 (2015): 61–67. (with S. Panov) (In Russ.)
  15. An Afterword for a Foreword: Materials on (Non)publishing Dreiser’s Works in the USSR. New Russian humanitarian research. On-line journal of IWL RAS 10 (2015). (In Russ.)
  16. A Skeptical Pilgrim: Theodore Dreiser and the Russian Orthodox Church In 1927. Bulletin of St. Tikhon University for the Humanities. Series II. History. History of the Russian Orthodox Church 66:5 (2015): 90–114. (In Russ.)
  17. On the Beginnings of the African American Literary Tradition: Criminal Confessions of the 18th Century and the Making of Black American Autobiography. Bulletin of the Moscow Region State University. Russian Philology 1 (2014): 101–106. (In Russ.)
  18. Image of the Black Race in American Literature and Culture at the Turn of the 19th –20th Centuries. The Humanities and Social Sciences 74:1 (2014): 78–81. (In Russ.)
  19. Theodore Dreiser and the Soviet Union. Notes on the Topic. New Russian humanitarian research. On-line journal of IWL RAS 9 (2014) (with S. Panov) (In Russ.)
  20. “A United Stateser”: William Carlos Williams’ Quest For The “American Reality”. RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism 2 (2011): 69–77.
  21. Harlem Renaissance: Nigger Heaven or Nigger capital? Bulletin of the MSU. Series 9 “Philology” 5 (2008): 102–111.


  1. African American Writers and the USSR. Literature and Politics. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2024. 688 p. (In Russ.)
  2. Literature and Arts. XX Century. Eds O. Panova, V. Popova, V. Tolmatchoff. Moscow: Litfact Publ., 2020. Issue 5. 432 p.
  3. Literature and Revolution. XX Century. Eds O. Panova, V. Popova, V. Tolmatchoff. Moscow: Litfact Publ., 2018. Issue 4. 544 p.
  4. Literature and Ideology. XX Century. Eds O. Panova, V. Tolmatchoff. Moscow: MAKS Press, 2016. Issue 3. 400 p.
  5. The Worlds of Color: the Quest for the National Identity in American Literature. Moscow: MSU Publ., 2015.
  6. Literature and War. XX Century. Eds O. Panova, V. Tolmatchoff. Moscow: MAKS Press, 2013. 332 p.


European American Studies Association (EAAS)

Russian Society for American Culture Studies (RSACS)

Ralph Ellison Society

Salzburg Seminar American Studies Alumni AssociatIon (SSASAA)