State University of Kazan
Doctor Hab. of Philology, professor
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PhD thesis:
Norman Mailer's Essays and Tradition of American Literary Documentalism
Habilitation thesis:
Lines of Development of the US Fiction of the XX Century in Perception of Russian Literary Studies
Research interests:
- American literature of XX century
- American Studies in Russia
- US documentary fiction
Teaching experience:
Foreign Literature at the Turn of XIX-XX Centuries; XX century Literary History; British literary history; Theory and Practice of Comparative Studies; Detective in the Mass Cultural Genre System; Dialogue of Cultures in Foreign Literature.
Selected bibliography:
- Mythologization of the Father Image in American Documental Fiction of 1990. Philology and Culture, no. 2 (76), 2024, pp. 158–163 (with Zh. Konovalov). (In Russ.)
- Two Generations, Two Perceptions: The Images of Immigrants in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Short Stories. Philology and Culture, no. 3 (57), 2019, pp. 206–213 (with A.R. Shevchenko). (In Russ.)
- WASP Images in Philip Roth's Novels. In Swiss Notebooks "Reformation in Word and Image". Issue 8. Niznhy Novgorod, 2018: 117-125. (with O. Karasik) (in Russ. )
- The Image of Judas in the World Literature of the 20th-21st Centuries. Philology and Culture 1 (2017): 189-193. (with A. Nazmieva) (in Russ.)
- The Phenomenon of Vietnam in Norman Mailer's Work. In War in American Culture: Texts and Contexts. Moscow: RSUH Publ., 2017: 255-264 (with Zh. Konovalova) (in Russ.)
- The Image of Picasso in Non-fiction. In American and European Studies, 2012-2014. Minsk: MSLU Publ., 2016: 143-151. (with Zh. Konovalova) (in Russ.)
- Naturalist Stories as a Nonfiction Genre. Philology and Culture 4 (2016): 243-249 (with E. Zueva) (in Russ.)
- Urban space in Norman Mailer's Creative Works of 1960-1980s. In Urban Dimensions of American Civilization. Orlando, Moscow: University of Central Florida, 2015: 65-75. (with Zh. Konovalova).
- Gender Identity in British Postcolonial Novel: Hanif Kureishi's "The Buddha of Suburbia". Social Sciences (Pakistan) 10:4 (2015): 421-425. (with A. Shevchenko).
- The Conception of a Creative Personality in American Nonfiction. Philology and Culture 3 (2015): 238-241. (with Zh. Konovalova) (in Russ.)
- War, Fascism, and Totalitarianism by Means of Nonfiction. Philology and Culture 4 (2012): 26-29. (in Russ.)
- Evangelical Novel in Contemporary Literature. In American and European Studies, 2010-2011, ed. by Yu. Stulov. Minsk: MSLU Publ., 2013: 86-91. (with Zh. Konovalova) (in Russ.
- Norman Mailer. In Mapping American Literature and Culture, ed. by O. Antsyferova. Ivanovo: Ivanovo State University, 2012: 317-334.
- Metamorphosis of the Traditional Myth in the New World (American Gods by N. Gaiman). In Americans in Pursuit of the Identity. Moscow: RSUH, 2013: 229-237. (in Russ.)
- Contemporary Postmodernist Drama Status and European Modern Drama at the Turn of the XIX-XX Centuries (Maxim Kurochkin VS. Bernard Shaw). In American and European Studies, 2008-2009. Minsk: MSLU Publ., 2011: 121-126. (in Russ.)
- The New Journalism: Theoretical Principles and Their Artistic Reflection. Proceedings of the Kazan University. Humanities Series 153:2 (2011): 245-258. (in Russ.)
- Realization of the "American Dream" in "Great Americans" Images. In American and European Studies, 2008-2009. Minsk: MSLU Publ., 2011: 126-132. (in Russ.)
- Perception of Afro-American writers by the Soviet literary criticism of 1920-1930s. In Russian-American Links: African-Americans and Russia. Saint-Petersburg: Nauka Publ., 2010: 228-236.
- Turning Personality into Myth in Norman Mailer’s Literary Creativity (On the Basis of the Books The Fight, Marylin. Biography, Of Women And Their Elegance). Bulletin of the Tatar State University of Humanities and Education 1 (2009): 73-79. (in Russ.)
- Between Modernism and Postmodernism: Change of Literary Periods in the West. Kazan: KSU Publ., 2016. (with G. Frolov, L. Khabibullin
- Postmodernism in Foreign and Russian literature. Kazan: KSU Publ., 2010.
- American Literature in Russian Criticism: Bibliographic Index, 1991-1995, ed. by O. Nesmelova, L. Khabibullina. Kazan: Shkola Publ., 2006.