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Minsk State Linguistic University, Belarus

PhD, Professor Emeritus

Contact info:

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PhD thesis:

Artistic Specificity of James Baldwin's Work (1950-ies–1970-ies)

Research interests:

Contemporary African-American literature

Selected bibliography:


  • 100 American Writers. Minsk, Vysheishaia shkola, 2019. (In Russ.)


  1. American Studies in Belarus. Literature of the Americas 2 (2017): 463-472. (in Russ.)

  2. Parodying History and Looking into the Future: Ismael Reed's Terribles. Philology and Culture 46:4 (2016): 262-267. (in Russ.)

  3. Identity and "Otherness" in Contemporary African American Novel. In Russia–West–East. Cultural and Literary Interaction. Int. Conference Proceedings. Chita: Transbaikal State University Publ., 2015: 62-65. (in Russ.)

  4. Neo-slave Narrative in Contemporary African American Writers' Work. Herald of Vyatka State University 1-2 (2012): 141-145. (in Russ.)

  5. Playing Intertextuality Games: Transformation  of Classical Characters in the Plays by Carlos Morton. Bulletin of Lviv University. Foreign languages series. Vol. 18. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2011: 265–270.

  6. Balancing on the Edge of Mass and Elite: Phenomenon of Terry McMillan. In American Studies: Literary Interinfluences, Interdisciplinary Research. Vol. 3, ed. by E. Osipova. Saint-Petersburg: Nestor-istoriya Publ., 2011: 42–45. (in Russ.)
  7. Black History in Contemporary African American Fiction. In The American Uses of History: Essays on Public Memory, ed. by T. Basiuk, S. Kuzma-Markowska, K. Mazur. Frankfurt am Main et al.: Peter Lang GmbH, 2011: 115–131.

  8. Multiculturalism and Contemporary African-American Novel. In Contexts of International Literature, ed. by D. Kondakov. Novopolotsk: Polotsk State University, 2011: 74–79. (in Russ.)

  9. African American Studies in the Soviet Union and Post-Soviet Countries. In English Language and Literature: Past, Present and in the Future, ed. by Yu. Stulov. Minsk: Minsk State Linguistic University, 2011: 117–126.

  10. «Slave Narrative» and Contemporary African American Historical Novel. Humanitarian Vector 24:4 (2010): 151-160. (in Russ.)

  11.  The Role of Gender in Contemporary African American Literature. In Gender and Problems of Communicative Behavior. Novopolotsk: Polotsk State University, 2010: 42–48. (in Russ.)

  12. Race, Gender, Identity in Contemporary African American Novel. Vestnik St. Petersburg University. Ser .9. 4 (2010): 50-58. (in Russ.)

  13. Rethinking History in the Contemporary African American Novel. Vestnik of Nizhny Novgorod Linguistics University 12 (2010): 140-154. (in Russ.)

  14. J.O. Killens Revisiting the Life of A.S. Pushkin: A Drama of Identity. In Russian-American Links: African-Americans and Russia, ed. by Yu. Tretiakov, E. Apenko. Saint-Petersburg: Nauka Publ., 2009: 249–266.

  15. Evolution of the "Slave Narrative" in Charles Johnson's Work. Vestnik St. Petersburg University. Ser .9. 1 (2010): 56-61. (in Russ.)

  16. Playing with Classics in Carlos Morton's Work. In American Studies: Literary Interinfluences, Interdisciplinary Research. Vol. 3, ed. by E. Osipova. Saint-Petersburg: Nestor-istoriya Publ., 2010: 21-24. (in Russ.)


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