Christopher Bigsby


Christopher Bigsby, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and the Royal Society of Arts, is an award winning academic, novelist and biographer. Educated at the Universities of Sheffield and Nottingham, he is Professor of American Studies at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, United Kingdom. He is also an occasional contributor to BBC Radio, and presented Kaleidoscope (Radio 4) for eight years in the 1980s. During this time, he collaborated with the writer Malcolm Bradbury on the 8-part situation comedy serial Patterson. He has made television programmes on John Steinbeck, Mark Twain, and Edith Wharton.

Bigsby is considered one of the world's best analysts of American theatre, and in particular the definitive commentator on playwright Arthur Miller. Bigsby's books on Miller include Remembering Arthur Miller (2005), Arthur Miller & Company (1990), The Cambridge Companion to Arthur Miller (1997) and the 514-page Arthur Miller: A Critical Study (2005). His biography of Arthur Miller was shortlisted for the James Taite Black Memorial Prize, the Sheridan Morley Prize and the George Freedley Memorial Award. He has reviewed for a number of national newspapers (including The GuardianThe Independent and The Daily Telegraph) and his programme notes have appeared in theatres throughout the UK, in Australia, Canada and the United States.

Research interests:

Aspects of English and American culture

African American literature

Popular culture


Selected bibliography:


American Dramatists in the 21st Century: Opening Doors. Methuen Drama, 2023.

Staging America: Twenty-First-Century Dramatists. Methuen Drama, 2020.

Twenty-First Century American Playrights (Cup), 2017

Writers In Conversation Vol 6 (Boiler House Press), 2017

Viewing America: Twenty-First Century Television Drama (Cup), 2013

Writers In Conversation Vol 5 (Unthank Books), 2013

Writers In Conversation Vol 4 (Unthank Books), 2011

Writers In Conversation Vol 3 (Unthank Books), 2011

Arthur Miller: 1962-2005, 2011

Arthur Miller: 1915-1962, 2008

The Cambridge Companion To August Wilson, 2007

Remembering And Imagining The Holocaust: The Chain Of Memory, 2006

The Cambridge Companion To Modern American Culture (Ed.), 2006.

Remembering Arthur Miller, 2005

The New Introduction To American Studies (Pearson Longman), Ed. With Howard Temperley, 2005

Arthur Miller: A Critical Study, 2004

Cambridge Companion To David Mamet, (Ed.), 2002

Writers In Conversation, Vol. 2 (Ed), 2001

Writers In Conversation Vol. 1 (Ed.), 2000

Modern American Drama 1945-2000, 2000

The Cambridge History Of American Theatre Vol Iii, 2000

Contemporary American Playwrights, 1999

The Cambridge Companion To Arthur Miller (Ed.), 1997

Nineteenth Century American Short Stories, Ed. (Dent), 1995

Miller And Company, Ed. (Methuen0), 1990

Miller On File, (Methuen), 1988

Cultural Change In The United States Since World War Ii, Ed. (Free University Press), 1986 

The Radical Imagination And The Liberal Tradition, Ed. (Junction Books), 1982 

Contemporary English Drama, Ed. (Edward Arnold),1981

The Second Black Renaissance (Greenwood Press), 1980

Tom Stoppard (Longman, L976), Rev. And Expanded L980, 1980 

Approaches To Popular Culture, Ed. (Edward Arnold Ltd.), 1976

Superculture, Ed. (Paul Elek Ltd. And Bowling Green State University Press), 1975

Dada And Surrealism (Methuen Books), 1972

The Black American Writer, Vol. Ii: Poetry And Drama, Ed. (Everett Edwards Inc. And Penguin Books), 1971

The Black American Writer, Vol. I: Fiction, Ed. (Everett Edwards Inc. And Penguin Books), 1971


2016 The Hotel

2015 Flint

2014 Ballygoran 

2012 Poe, Or The Revenant

2008 One Hundred Days: One Hundred Nights 

2002 Beautiful Dreamer

1996 Still Lives

1995 Pearl: A Romance

1994 Hester: A Romance